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  • Heresy Thursday – The Flesh Is Weak but You Can Replace It With These Iron Hands MKVI Upgrade Kits

Heresy Thursday – The Flesh Is Weak but You Can Replace It With These Iron Hands MKVI Upgrade Kits

Heresy Thursday

The Iron Hands got a raw deal in the Horus Heresy – their Primarch Ferrus Manus was unceremoniously offed by his erstwhile best friend, and the Legion was decimated in the ensuing rout on Istvaan V. 

Luckily, the sons of the Gorgon have been furnished with a consolation prize – shoulder pad and helmet upgrades for MKVI Tactical Squads. They’re under strict instruction not to lose the latter.

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The X Legion operates under a simple maxim – failure is intolerable. And because the flesh fails, it must be done away with before it betrays the spirit! To that end, the Iron Hands worship the machine, perhaps inspired by their Primarch’s shiny metal arms.

Their Mark VI helmet set from Forge World contains 11 alternative heads. You can upgrade your Legionaries with nine helmets in three different designs, all of which make liberal use of the cog motif and have rebreather apparatus hiding who knows what. 

For your leaders, an officer helm replaces the weakness of the hair usually found on a transverse crest with an inviolable metal cog, while the bare head is a mess of gnarly looking augmetics.

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While you’re enhancing your warriors' helmets, why not display that ferric heraldry on the rest of their armour too. The titular metal mitt that gives the Legion its name features on their MK VI shoulder pads, along with cog-toothed trim and multiple small ports and vents.

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You’ll soon be able to replace the pathetic soft bits of your own Iron Hands Mark VI Legion Tactical Squads with these Forge World resin upgrades in order to feel the cold embrace of the machine.

Sign up for the Warhammer Community newsletter to be notified when they are released, and come back next week for another great Heresy Thursday reveal.

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