Two new Hangers-on are available to pre-order from Friday, but who are the Rogue Doc and Gang Look-out? Today, we take a closer look at these new models, their background, and what they can do in games of Necromunda.
Gang Look-out
In the underhive, there are any number of people who are willing to keep an eye on a gang’s borders and pass along warnings of unwanted visitors. Whether it’s watching for rival gang activity or interest from the Enforcers, Gang Look-outs can give you the chance to set an ambush or plan your escape.

In-game, the Gang Look-out will give you an advantage when it comes to deciding the Attacker and the Defender, and in scenarios using the Sneak Attack rules.
Increasing your chances to choose whether you’re the Attacker or Defender in a scenario is a boon to any gang, as is gaining an advantage to spot enemy fighters in the Sabotage and Rescue Mission scenarios. For their cost in credits, Gang Look-outs are incredible value.
Rogue Doc
Medical expertise is much sought-after in the underhive, and most of those who have such training sell their services at a not-insignificant price. As long as you don’t need to see any qualifications, Rogue Docs can mean the difference between life and death for your fighters.

While they might not have the training or the supplies that so-called “proper” doctors have, they can definitely do a decent job of patching up your seriously wounded fighters.
Rogue Docs are super-useful to have around (and every gang can take up to two of them) – especially as you get further into a campaign and you want to make sure that you don’t lose your favourite fighters to a few unlucky dice rolls.
Both of these new models are available to pre-order from Friday, and you can take them as Hangers-on for any Necromunda gang. Their full rules can be found in both House of Chains and House of Blades, so pick up these epic tomes today.