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Who’s Getting a New Codex in 2021? Find Out With Our Road Map for Warhammer 40,000

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It’s a fantastic time to be a Warhammer 40,000 fan. Since the launch of the 9th edition, we’ve released codexes covering many factions from the mighty Adeptus Astartes, the putrid Death Guard, and the macabre Drukhari.

There have also been a wealth of supplements exploring everything from the escalating fires of War Zone Charadon to juicy rules for playing games in the Pariah Nexus, Metalica, and more. On top of that, brilliant new Character models arrived, such as the swift and deadly Lelith Hesperax and the heavily augmented Skitarii Marshal

But all that’s just the start. With Codex: Grey Knights and Codex: Thousand Sons currently available for pre-order, it’s high time we showed you the road map of codex releases still to come in 2021.

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Hot on the heels of the Beast Snaggas Army Set, which gave some lucky greenskin generals an early opportunity to grab the new tome, September sees Codex: Orks go up for pre-order in standard hardback and glorious limited editions. 

We’ve already previewed some of the updated rules and the deluge of awesome miniatures ready to empower your Waaagh!. Rest assured this codex makes your Orks the meanest and greenest force in the whole galaxy.*

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Earlier this week, you met the fancy new Emperor’s Champion, and we promised there would be more to come. Codex Supplement: Black Templars will be marching forth in November – and the Emperor’s Champion is bringing reinforcements. Hold onto your purity seals, this is going to be a hot one.

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And in December, we’ll see brand new codexes for xenos and Imperial armies. What could they be? We can’t tell you, which has nothing to do with the Inquisitor looming menacingly behind us… 

Eagle-eyed heretics** may note the lack of codexes for the Traitor Legions. Do not despair, as 2022 will be a bumper year for warp-based shenanigans.

In the meantime, we’ve received intel on the amazing, reimagined edition of Kill Team, which brings fantastic new units for use in your existing Warhammer 40,000 armies. There are also more thrilling narrative supplements on the way, starting with War Zone Octarius – Book 1: Rising Tide, which explores how things are heating up in the sector.

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It’s set to be an incredible few months for Warhammer 40,000. Whether you’re excited for Kill Team or captivated by one of the upcoming codexes, there's something for everyone. 

Make sure you stay up to date with all the new releases by signing up for our newsletter, and head over to Twitter, Instagram and the Warhammer 40,000 Facebook page to let us know which codex you’re looking forward to the most.

* Sorry, Salamanders, you’re just on the wrong side of mean.

** As ever with Chaos, other types of eye are available whether you want them or not.

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