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Take a Detailed Look at Gobsprakk’s Model Which Is Absolutely Dangling With Detritus

AoS OrrukRules Jul27 Orruk FactionHeader

The skies darken, and choking mists roll in as Gobsprakk yells “NO!” at enemy wizards and sets Killabeak, his Corpse-rippa Vulcha, to feast on fresh carrion.*

GobsprakkFocus Sep14 Gobsprakk

This gnarly old shaman has the gift of the gab, having convinced his underlings that he can speak directly to – and for – Mork himself. Gobsprakk is also pretty chatty with the End of Empires,** Kragnos.

Most importantly of all, the Mouth of Mork is available to pre-order this weekend in an incredible kit that’s bristling with detail. 

GobsprakkFocus Sep14 GobsprakkSprue

Like his Swampcalla Shaman flunkies, Gobsprakk carries all manner of trophies into battle, as well as a larder of potion ingredients and a handy bouquet of eyeballs.

These are all within reach of his loyal companion Rinklefinga, whose screamin’ mandrakk root can shut down any arrogant sorcerers that try to fling hexes at his boss. 

GobsprakkFocus Sep14 GobsprakkDetails

Everything Gobsprakk brings to battle with him has some use, including his horrid leather banners. These are inscribed with arcane glyphs, which provide this wily shaman with an extra layer of magical protection.

GobsprakkFocus Sep14 GlyphicBanners

What’s more, this kit can alternatively build a fearsome Killaboss who has snagged himself a Vulcha of his own. If you prefer good old brute force, eschew sorcerous supremacy by picking this variant.

GobsprakkFocus Sep14 AltBuild

Killabosses head into battle armed with a mean jagged-stikka and a large skareshield to strike fear into their enemies and inspire their allies.*** They also like to festoon their Vulchas with savage horns, armour, and extra trinkets to show off their status.

GobsprakkFocus Sep14 AltWeapons

While their riders believe they are the centre of attention, most enemies will be busy focusing on the leathery, feathery Corpse-rippa Vulchas. Their vicious beaks and talons make short work of foes big and small. 

GobsprakkFocus Sep14 Birbface

These carrion beasts also have a poison stinger poking furtively from their feathered tails, an ingenious callback to the wyverns once ridden by many powerful greenskins of the World-that-Was.

Either variant makes a perfect general for a Kruleboyz army, and they’re impressive centrepieces that epitomise the vicious, scheming nature of these deceitful greenskins. 

You can pre-order this impressive kit this weekend, but which variant will you be building? Let us know over on Facebook or Twitter – just don’t let Gobsprakk hear you if you aren’t picking him. 

While you wait for the Mouth of Mork to swoop in, pre-order the new Battletome: Orruk Warclans now so you’re ready to unleash this canny shaman on the tabletop when he arrives.

* Incredibly fresh, given that it probably wasn't actually carrion before Killabeak got involved in the first place.

** And grand egg-smasher.

*** Both are achieved the same way – via the ever-present threat of a nasty stabbing.

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