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  • A New Black Library Hero Rises with an Incredible Novel and Miniature

A New Black Library Hero Rises with an Incredible Novel and Miniature

A galaxy of constant war is the perfect breeding ground for epic heroes and legendary deeds, but even with valiant last stands and desperate charges happening daily, it’s not often that a character ascends to the hallowed halls of Black Library. This time, it’s the turn of Celestian Sacresant Aveline, the protagonist of Jude Reid’s upcoming Daemonbreaker.

BL Daemonbreaker Jun03 Book

Not only is this zealous battle sister the star of a brand new Black Library tale set during Abaddon’s 13th Black Crusade and explaining how she earned the moniker of Daemonbreaker, but she is also receiving an absolute show-stopper of a miniature that emphasises everything that’s great about the Adepta Sororitas. 

BL Daemonbreaker Jun03 Mini

Fervent warrior in baroque armour covered in ornate details – check. Sword* infused with the holy power of the Emperor bursting into flame in the image of the fleur-de-lis – check. Creepy little cherubim framing your righteous pose with purity seal garlands – also check. This is the full package.

BL Daemonbreaker Jun03 Deets

Hailing from the Order of the Sacred Rose, Aveline has been despatched along with the Adepta Sororitas to repel Abaddon’s assault on Cadia during the 13th Black Crusade, but before she can join the final conflict, she must perform one final sacred duty by securing a shrine on Orison VIII. 

What starts out as a simple mission to hunt down a Chaos sorcerer becomes a deadly game of cat and mouse as an ancient evil is uncovered, one that knows Aveline’s name and will spell ruin for Holy Terra should she fail to defeat it. 

Daemonbreaker will be released later this year, and a suitably epic special edition is on the way too. Keep an eye on Warhammer Community for more details on both.

* The sacred relic sword of Saint Arabella, patron saint of the Order of the Sacred Rose, no less.

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