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  • Move Through Ruins Like a Ghost With Kill Team: Chalnath’s Expanded Terrain Rules

Move Through Ruins Like a Ghost With Kill Team: Chalnath’s Expanded Terrain Rules

KT Trailer Jul9 Header

As much as we adore the incredibly detailed Ork terrain from Kill Team: Octarius, we can’t count the number of times an operative has reached that big hatch in the wall and wished they could slip right through to ambush an unsuspecting foe. With Kill Team: Chalnath arriving for pre-order this Saturday, wall-based woes are a thing of the past.

KTChalnathTerrain Oct27 OrkTerrain

The grand, gothic architecture of the Imperium wouldn’t be complete without massive arched doorways, and now your elite, highly trained operatives have figured out how to operate the handles. They can also make use of hatches in the floors and ceilings to climb up and down buildings without being seen by the enemy.

KTChalnathTerrain Oct27 Door

KTChalnathTerrain Oct27 Hatch

The many jagged surfaces on your average ruin (as well as the odd discarded ladder) make them especially easy to climb, represented in Kill Team by the new Scalable rule. This means that rather than rounding the last ◯ of vertical movement up when climbing, you cancel it out entirely, letting your operatives ascend to high places with ease.

KTChalnathTerrain Oct27 TerrainShot

Especially tall platforms can now be designated as Punishing Vantage Points, which enable operatives to take advantage of their commanding position to gain bonuses when shooting at targets below. They’re a T’au marksman’s dream, and even the close combat-minded Novitiates will appreciate the extra cover.

KTChalnathTerrain Oct27 VantagePoint

Being up so high, these operatives get a wonderful look at the rest of the terrain included in Kill Team: Chalnath. These ruins were highly popular among Warhammer 40,000 players, and hobbyists have been clamouring for them to return ever since. They make an excellent addition to your terrain collection, and mix together well with other scenery sets like the Command Edition Battlefield Expansion Set.*

KTChalnathTerrain Oct27 TerrainShot2

Pre-orders for Kill Team: Chalnath are this weekend, so get your operatives ready and join us here at later this week to find out how the Adepta Sororitas’ newest recruits will be faring on the battlefields of Warhammer 40,000. 

* Which also has doors of its own.

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