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  • The Space Marines of Leviathan Painted by the Warhammer Community

The Space Marines of Leviathan Painted by the Warhammer Community

Leviathan is coming – it arrives for pre-order this Saturday, and with it come mountains of beautiful miniatures to build and paint. We love to see how the community puts their own spin on such intricate models, so we shipped copies out to some of the best painters around, to see just what they could do.

We got so many beautifully painted miniatures back that we can’t possibly fit them all in one article, so we’ve picked some of our favourites to show off today. 

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We’ll kick things off with a quartet of Terminator Captains. Amy Snuggs opted for Blood Angels – no doubt getting revenge for the Devastation of Baal – while Jon Gómez added parts from previous Space Wolves kits to anoint a true son of Leman Russ. Jessica Smart joined the Deathwing, while Darcy Bono opted for the bright yellow of the Imperial Fists.

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Jessica added an Apothecary Biologis to her command team, and James from Siege Studios paired his Hawk Lords Apothecary with the extra-sneaky Lieutenant, while Chris Lewis and Darcy Bono teleported the psychic might of the Librarians straight into the battlefield. Check out those glowing hands – it’s how you know they’re powerful.

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The Ballistus Dreadnought proved very popular, with Crimson Fists and Exorcists by Chris and Kenny Wildman from the Unrelenting Brush, Space Wolves from Ben Mac at Cult of Paint, and a gloriously retro Blood Angels effort from Garfy.*

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Máryse Ouellet chose an incredibly clean and crisp take on the mighty Deathwing for their Terminators, while Tyler Mengel flexed his painting chops by giving a metallic spin to the notoriously tricky Howling Griffons quartered scheme. Campbell McLaughlin from Goonhammer tackled the pitch-black armour of the Black Templars, while Liam Howell went above and beyond with intricate custom-sculpted drakeskin for his Salamanders. 

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The Sternguard Veterans and Infernus Marines were not to be outdone. Scott from Goonhammer sent his pyreblaster-armed Space Marines from the Blood Ravens, while Colin Ward and George from Siege Studios mustered the Sternguard Veterans of the Blood Angels and Hawk Lords.

Now imagine you have all of these awesome miniatures in front of you, and can’t decide which ones you want to paint first. What do you do? Turns out, if you’re Matthew Herrington, you just paint all of them.

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Even the mighty Salamanders will have their work cut out for them when the Tyranids get here, though, as more painters from the Warhammer Community have been tackling the Hive Fleet’s swarms. 

Stay tuned for more content from the Leviathan boxed set, and don’t forget to pre-order this momentous new edition when it goes up for pre-order this Saturday.

* It’s so good we can’t even knock marks off for the lack of a bright green base.

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