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  • The Ruination Chamber Opens – The Reclusians are the Most Battle-hardened Stormcast Eternals Yet

The Ruination Chamber Opens – The Reclusians are the Most Battle-hardened Stormcast Eternals Yet

With the peal of a thousand bells and a rent in the earth, the Vermindoom has begun. Blight City has manifested in physical reality and crashed into

the Mortal Realms

, puncturing up from its foetid subrealm. Untold numbers of Skaven are teeming out of these warpstone-tainted rifts,

hunched clanrats

backed by nameless horrors and ramshackle weapons developed by Skaven engineers.  

These twisted beachheads appearing in the realms are deadly to even the freshly reforged Stormcast Eternals Liberators, and the scale of this disaster is so broad that Sigmar has been forced to unseal the Ruination Chamber of the Stormcast Eternals. The first warriors to emerge from its threshold are the baroque Reclusians.

No more than a handful of reforgings away from losing themselves completely, the Reclusians had been sequestered in quiet contemplation – but the need is too great, the hour too dire for these stalwarts to remain at peace. They are unflinching in battle, striding into the most inhospitable battlefields, their lightning-scoured souls shrugging off the corrupting influence of Chaos.

AoS Reclusian Apr15 Image1

After countless reforgings over centuries of service to the God-king, the gift of immortality becomes a curse, and these Stormcasts’ humanity has slowly eroded away. They may have forgotten their old friends and blood relations, their place of origin, or even their own battle-scarred histories. Some may have strange supernatural phenomena manifesting around them, speak with voices of thunder, or have lost their ability to dream of a better life.

The Reclusians fight on nevertheless. They have honed their skills over numerous lifetimes, armed with mighty rune-blessed weapons and clad in the finest thunderstrike armour adorned with relics and parchments listing their numerous heroic deeds. 

When the Reclusians take up arms, they are accompanied by mortal priests called Memorians, often direct descendants of the Stormcast Eternals themselves. They are an anchoring presence for the Reclusians, ensuring that the precious humanity that grounds them does not slip away in battle.

We’ll have plenty more from the Mortal Realms to share with you on Warhammer Community over the coming weeks, alongside plenty more Skaven horrors.