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  • Did You Catch These Details in the Outstanding New Kill Team Trailer?

Did You Catch These Details in the Outstanding New Kill Team Trailer?

Our office is positively buzzing with excitement at the Kill Team trailer we showed off on Friday, and that’s not just because the Vespid are trying to get down the chimney. We’ve been watching the valiant Tempestus Aquilons fight back against the T’au Empire auxiliaries over and over again, and if you have been too, there’s loads of cool details to spot amongst all the action.

Then again, we’d totally understand if you’ve been too engrossed to tear your eyes away from the battling operatives, so here’s a few of the things we caught that you might find interesting.

That’s… A Big Gun

KillTeam Trailer Aug19 Gun

The first teaser for the new Kill Team set showed some Militarum Tempestus drop troops diving towards two giant tube things, and it wasn’t quite clear what they were at first, but now we can see that it’s a tremendously huge twin-barrelled orbital cannon called the Massif Ballistus. This ludicrous piece of artillery towers over the city around it, and if you know how tall Imperial hive cities tend to be, that really puts the scale of the gun into perspective.

The Massif Ballistus is so huge that each blast sends powerful shockwaves ripping through the surrounding area, even buffeting the Tempestus Aquilons who set down miles away. It’s easy to see why the Orks who infiltrated the system recently want to loot it so badly.

And Big Guns Need Big BulletsKillTeam Trailer Aug19 Bullet

Right after the enormous cannon fires, you can see the squad’s Tempestor enter a vast underground passage, but where exactly does it go? As it turns out, into the network of support tunnels for the Massif Ballistus itself, where more ammunition for the weapon can be seen as the Aquilons reach their target.

It soon becomes clear that the curved structure we’re greeted by is a truly colossal shell hanging from the roof, no doubt on its way to being launched at the T’au Empire invaders above. If the cityscape earlier didn’t make it clear enough how large the cannon is, there can be no doubt now.

The Vespid Have Some New Kit

KillTeam Trailer Aug19 Vespid1

Squads of Vespid Stingwings used to be armed solely with the vicious short-ranged neutron blaster – a wonderful Space Marine-killing weapon if ever there was one – but it appears that the T’au Empire have started to give them access to a much larger armoury. In fact, as we found out in our big reveal article for Kill Team: Hivestorm, they carry all sorts of experimental tech with them now – like a rail rifle upgraded with neutron crystal technology.

The Aquilons Are A Hardy Bunch

KillTeam Trailer Aug19 Aquilon

Operatives from the Militarum Tempestus are the cream of the crop, and among the finest human soldiers in the galaxy. They may still have soft human flesh underneath their finely wrought carapace armour, but a die-hard dedication to duty and intense military conditioning gives them the grit to fight on even after enduring horrific wounds that would knock a regular Guardsman stone dead.

And whew, do we see this on display here. Not only does our heroic Aquilon Gunfighter take a round through the chest and keep plugging away with his hot-shot laspistol, but the Marksman soldiers on after losing his entire forearm and props his rifle up on the stump. The stump! What a champ.

Did you see anything else in the trailer that caught your attention? Let us know on Facebook and Twitter/X. And get the latest information on the new edition by signing up to our Kill Team newsletter.

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