The Black Library Celebration is happening next week, and you’ll be able to pre-order some amazing new miniatures based on characters from the novels Hell’s Last by Justin D Hill and Shade of Khaine by Evan Dicken. Many of our community painters are big Black Library fans, and they eagerly jumped at the opportunity to paint some of their heroes.

Maleneth Witchblade is a proficient assassin, accompanying Gotrek on his many adventures around the Mortal Realms. A slippery individual at the best of times, she evaded many of our contributors, but not Tres Hyde who provided us with a fabulous rendition of this murderous aelf.

The cast of characters who accompany Minka Lesk in Hell’s Last have been immortalised in plastic, and each provides the perfect canvas for painting. Darcy Bono, and Em Durrant have tackled a select few in their own styles.

On top of those delightful versions, Alison Kersley, Chrissie Orton, May Herrington and Chloe Ratcliffe have painted the various Cadian rogues in all sorts of different colour schemes – we especially like the bite-sized diorama that Chloe has created.

Vincent Knotley has got up to his usual Contrast tricks and reimagined the characters from the Cadian 101st as members of other famous Cadian regiments – a valuable nod of approval from your local Commissar if you can guess them all.
Thanks to everyone who took part. You can pre-order the Maleneth Witchblade and Hell’s Last miniatures on Saturday alongside the brand new books that they star in. Don’t forget to share your work with us on Social Media.