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Warhammer Age of Sigmar Metawatch – Unpacking the Impacts of the General’s Handbook

After a hiatus last month, the Warhammer Age of Sigmar team are back with a vengeance – and fresh data – to kick the month off with a deep dive into the state of the game after the first weeks of the latest General’s Handbook.

AoSMetawatch Mar2 Squigs

This season has been all about the Galletian Champions – tough-as-nails heroes who’ve spent so long in the close confines of the tunnels of Gallet that they’ve become at one with the realm. As ever, Lead Game Design Matt has sat down with presenter Ben to discuss who’s up, who’s down, and to wave a stick in the general direction of upcoming plans for the game.

The dominant forces in Matched Play at present are the Beasts of Chaos, the Lumineth Realm-lords, and the Disciples of Tzeentch, though honourable mention should go to the Gloomspite Gitz, who have surged from their lowly position near the bottom of the table last month to a 52% win-rate.

AoSMetawatch Mar2 WinRate

Remember, this data is still preliminary as we’ve not had a full 60 days to evaluate data from the new General’s Handbook. Watch this space for more information in the next fortnight – and don’t forget to direct your browsers back to this very website on Saturday, when we’ll reveal the next two factions to be updated for the latest edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar.

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