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  • Sunday Preview – Frozen Skirmishes, Necromundan Oddballs, and Reinforcements for Legions Imperialis

Sunday Preview – Frozen Skirmishes, Necromundan Oddballs, and Reinforcements for Legions Imperialis

A diverse pre-order awaits us next Saturday, complete with a frigid new season of Warhammer Underworlds, another selection of belligerent weirdos from Necromunda, more tanks and titans for Legions Imperialis, and the mighty Endryd Haar for the Horus Heresy.


WHUW Wintermaw 600Wide LOGO

Warhammer Underworlds: Wintermaw

SundayPreview Mar24 WintermawBox

No more than a moment after its reveal at the packed AdeptiCon preview, the new core set of Warhammer Underworlds is thawing out for pre-order next week. The zealous Brotherhood of the Bolt and the delusional Skinnerkyn clash in the furthest depths of the Deathgorge, where a malevolent parasite lurks, and tortured rimewyrms stand watch over arcane relics.

Wintermaw is the new core set for Warhammer Underworlds and features two new warbands, two new Rivals decks, two universal Rivals decks, and everything else you need to play the ultimate competitive miniatures game.

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Outland Beastmaster with Giant Rat

SundayPreview Mar24 NECBeastmaster

Untold numbers of vermin of every shape, size, and species imaginable populate the hives and wastes of Necromunda, but few are as numerous as the humble rat. It isn’t uncommon for these furry critters to grow to a prodigious size and the Outland Beastmasters tame them and bring them to gang skirmishes. This expert kit is made from Forge World resin and contains an Outland Beastmaster and a Wasteland Giant Rat with two heads – we wonder what cheese he’s been nibbling to end up like that?

Wasteland Giant Rats

SundayPreview Mar24 NECRats

Outland Beastmasters can control up to three exotic creatures at a time, and this expert kit made from Forge World resin contains two additional giant rodents that can be used as Wasteland Giant Rats or Necromundan Giant Rats, proving the old Necromundan adage that you’re never more than one metre away from a rat.

Ash Waste Nomads Chieftain with Venom Caster

SundayPreview Mar24 NECChief

The chieftains of the Ash Waste Nomads demonstrate an almost supernatural kinship with the desolate environments they inhabit. Gangers who have survived a close encounter with these elite combatants tell tall tales about their assailants disappearing into the desert winds or of catching a glimpse of insectoid physiology under their garments. This expert kit is made from Forge World resin and builds one Chieftain wielding a venom caster, spraying a toxic liquid that can drop the toughest of opponents. 

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Medusa and Basilisk Batteries

SundayPreview Mar24 Basilisk

The Solar Auxilia deploy Medusa and Basilisk batteries to pulverise their enemies with ground-shaking barrages, soften up fortifications, and disorientate enemy formations. This box contains eight miniatures which can be built as either Auxilia Medusa Batteries or Auxilia Basilisk Batteries, and comes with a transfer sheet with 288 decals.

Land Raider Proteus Explorator Squadron

SundayPreview Mar24 Proteus

Land Raiders are the ubiquitous, heavily armoured workhorses of the Legions Astartes, and the Proteus Explorator is a variant designed for forward operations, depositing troops to the front and laying down supporting fire with twin-linked lascannons. This box contains six Land Raider Proteus miniatures and a vehicle transfer sheet with 1,130 decals.

Legiones Astartes - Drop Pods

SundayPreview Mar24 DropPods

Among the forms of warfare practised by the Legiones Astartes, the Drop Pod assault is without a doubt the most iconic. Armoured capsules launched from orbiting spacecraft, Drop Pods convey companies of Space Marines directly into the heart of battle. This box builds four Drop Pods with hinged doors, either as standard Legion Drop Pods or Deathstorm Drop Pods, which are packed with missile launchers. You also get a transfer sheet with 1,130 vehicle transfers on.

Solar Auxilia Arvus Lighter

SundayPreview Mar24 Arvus

Affectionately known as the “little pig” among Solar Auxilia aircrews, the Arvus Lighter is a reliable armoured shuttle used for ferrying Lasrifle Sections across the battlefield. This box contains eight plastic Arvus Lighters, and a Solar Auxilia vehicle transfer sheet with 288 transfers. 

Warhound Titans with Ursus Claws and Melta Lances

SundayPreview Mar24 Warhounds

Loping into battle ahead of larger Titans, Warhounds are savage hunters with an array of powerful weapons they use to destroy infantry, vehicles, and smaller Titans alike. This plastic kit contains two Warhound Titans and a brand-new frame of plastic weapons. You get two sets of ursus claws, natrix shock lances, volkite eradicators, missile pods (which can be built as shudder missiles or swarmer missiles), and Incisor-pattern melta lances, plus a transfer sheet with 118 transfers, and a set of Command Terminals and Weapon Cards so you can use these miniatures in games of Adeptus Titanicus.

Dire Wolf Heavy Scout Titans

SundayPreview Mar24 Direwolf

Stalking behind the nimble Warhound Scout Titans, Dire Wolf Heavy Scout Titans have thicker armour plating and carry weapons usually reserved for larger classes of Titan. This box contains two plastic Dire Wolf Heavy Scout Titans armed with a pair of arm-mounted Ardex mega-bolters, and a choice of volcano cannon, conversion beam dissipator, or neutron laser. You also get a transfer sheet with 118 transfers and a set of Command Terminals and Weapon Cards so you can use these miniatures in games of Adeptus Titanicus.

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Endryd Haar, The Riven Hound

SundayPreview Mar24 Endryd

A giant amongst fellow World Eaters, the Terran-born Endryd Haar was one of the first initiates created for the Legion by the Imperial Geneworks. Haar and his entire command missed their Legion’s reunion with Angron, and he soon swore vengeance on the Warmaster Horus. He became the Riven Hound, gathering a host of similarly disaffected Space Marines together into a force known as the Fangs of the Emperor. Wearing battle-damaged MKV ‘Heresy’ armour, and equipped with an archaeotech pistol and a Terrawatt-pattern gauntlet, Endryd Haar is an expert kit made from Forge World resin. 

Legiones Astartes Infantry and Vehicle Transfer Sheets

SundayPreview Mar24 Transfers1

Add the finishing touch to your Legiones Astartes army with two separate transfer sheets. Both contain transfers which can be used by all Legions: 1,280 on the infantry sheet and 510 for vehicles. Both will be available to purchase separately. 

WHPlus 600Wide

This week on Warhammer+, there are three great shows to tuck into. Loremasters documents the adventures of Callis and Toll in Dawnbringers: Book V – Shadow of the Crone, covering the Order of Azyr’s battle against the proliferation of Kingsblood.

Citadel Colour Masterclass answers any questions you might have had about paint consistency, doling out tips on useful ratios for a variety of painting tasks, while Battle Report covers a clash between the Night Lords and Drukhari Mandrakes in Kill Team: Nightmare.

SundayPreview Mar24 WH+

After some huge reveals at AdeptiCon, including the first news of the next edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Warhammer Community will continue to bring the hits with new articles about the lore of the Mortal Realms and information about the modularity of the new rules. We’ll also have coverage of Golden Demon at AdeptiCon, more information about Kill Team: Nightmare, and plenty else besides.