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  • Loremasters Channels the Waaagh! for a Closer Look at Ork Weirdboyz on Warhammer+

Loremasters Channels the Waaagh! for a Closer Look at Ork Weirdboyz on Warhammer+

It’s time for a truth bomb: Orks are a rowdy bunch. Even the scrawniest are pretty tasty when it comes to a scrap, but despite their reputation as violent, bloodthirsty brutes, there are some who break the mould and become violent, bloodthirsty brutes who can fix things, or teleport. These bundles of genetic genius are known as Oddboyz, and this week’s Loremasters opens the book on possibly the most dangerous of them all – Weirdboyz.

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Where the Mekboyz that we met last week are predisposed towards invention and engineering, Weirdboyz have the instinctive ability to channel latent Waaagh! energy generated by great throngs of Orks into powerful psychic abilities. While this often results in predictably Orky levels of destruction, it’s less certain quite how the energy will manifest – with some Weirdboyz expecting a crackling bolt of green lightning only to find themselves shunted miles across a battlefield.

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For the anarchic Orks, unpredictable results from a Weirdboy overload are part of the fun, though few are brave enough to stand close to one. One of the more common side-effects of a psychic outpouring is for random heads to explode in their vicinity – quite often including the Weirdboy themselves – and as amusing as it is for bystanders, no Ork worth their teef will chance being in the blast zone.

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There’s much more to Weirdboyz than exploding heads and random teleportation, though, and you’ll have all your questions answered by the new episode of Loremasters available today on Warhammer+.

That’s not all coming out today, as the paint experts of Citadel Colour Masterclass have been studying ancient necrodermis and have come up with the perfect way to paint the Necrons’ sinister living metal. What might initially appear as a simple blue colour scheme is taken to the next level with advanced chipping, glazing, and highlighting techniques, so you’re guaranteed to learn something new whether you’re a Phaeron-to-be or not.

WH+LoremastersWeirdboyz Apr17 Image4Get access to both of these new episodes, and a vast library of tutorials, lore videos, animations, and more by signing up to Warhammer+ now. And if you subscribe for a whole year, you get one of the two exclusive free miniatures after a month, rather than waiting 12 months if you subscribe on a rolling basis.

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