The Necrons have thrown open the vaults for Grotmas, and the Starshatter Arsenal is lumbering out.

An enormous array of arcane mechanical treasures are stored in the grand armouries of the Necron
dynasties. Some nobles prefer to wage mobile warfare, using imperious anti‐grav war barques, looming mechanical walkers and supersonic assault craft powered by eldritch technologies to outflank, outrun and eliminate their enemies. As the armoured tide sweeps over the hopelessly outmatched foe, Ghost Arks swoop low to disgorge rank upon rank of skeletal Necron Warriors. Other forms of servile construct and maniacal killing machines join the lethal procession, adding their own cosmic wrath – and when the foe inevitably breaks, dynastic soldiery fused with repulsor‐driven platforms scythe down any who would attempt to flee.
The Necrons of the Starshatter Arenal unleash a Relentless Onslaught, the Detachment Rule for this force, upon their enemies holding objectives. Necron models shooting at enemy units on objectives add 1 to their hit rolls, while ranged weapons equipped by Necron Vehicles and Mounted models gain Assault.
Necron characters use some of the most advanced technology in the universe, such as the Chrono-Impedance Fields, which wreathes vehicles in a time-dilation field. Continuing with the time-bending theme, commanders can also use the Chronoshift Stratagem to allow their vehicles to advance 6” automatically.
We’ve to a real Grotmas miracle for you all tomorrow: the Space Marines of the Deathwatch have heard your pleas – and have earned a full Index.