While the fighting men and women of Cadia are the model for the Astra Militarum, they are not the only legendary fighting force keeping humanity safe. Sometimes war consists of brutal, inglorious meat grinders fuelled by an endless stream of human sacrifice, and one planet stands above all others for their grit and devotion even as millions march to a violent death for the God-Emperor.
The Death Korps of Krieg.
As the galaxy spirals ever further into chaos and madness, the Death Korps have come to set things straight with their classic fatalistic determination – and they’re now in plastic. The Death Korps of Krieg Army Set is packed with brand new miniatures, from armoured Combat Engineers and artillery pieces to the sombre Death Riders on their eerily mutated steeds.

This mighty assemblage is led by Lord Marshal Varnan Dreir, a steely-eyed combat veteran who has survived a treacherous path, from the trenches of the common trooper right up to the highest echelons of command. In typical Krieg fashion he still leads his men from as close to the front lines as possible, and he’s widely respected for having already done the many horrific things he expects of those under his command – much to the continued horror of his superiors.

Dreir is a capable strategist with more in his playbook than simply sending in the next wave – a rarity in the Astra Militarum, let alone the Death Korps – but even more than that it’s his staunch unwillingness to die that makes him notorious in officers’ circles. Both he and his steed, the catchily named ES819, have cheated death time and again, leading some to whisper the Emperor himself favours Varnan Dreir.

Like their Lord Marshal, many warriors of the Death Korps take to the field on Krieg steeds in massed units of Death Riders – fast, linebreaking cavalry who charge headlong into defensive formations. The Army Set comes with a full squad of 10 riders, kitted out for both close-range shooting with lascarbines and thundering charges with frag lances.
The Combat Engineers wear additional armour and carry a heavy trench club as part of their standard gear, with combat shotguns, flamers, and especially remote mines, all extra valuable in close quarters.

If there’s one thing Krieg is known for besides their willingness to walk into gunfire, it’s the constant staccato pounding of their artillery batteries – some of which are just portable enough to be dragged to the battlefield. These heavy guns inflict staggering damage, and the Artillery Team included in the Army Set can be built as a heavy mortar, a heavy quad launcher, a multiple rocket launcher, or a fearsome siege cannon.*
The Army Set also comes with the accessories you know and love by now – a full set of 66 datacards, a massive sheet of Death Korps transfers, and the brand new Codex: Astra Militarum, complete with a fantastic variant cover depicting everyone’s favourite faceless death machines.

There are further units coming outside the army set: a classic Command Squad including vox and medical personnel, but with a twist – as the casualty rate among Krieg officers is so high, they’ve sent a Lord Commissar along to take the reins.
Heavy Support Squads lay down serious suppressing fire, and a Fire Coordinator is always on hand to get everyone shooting in the same straight line. He can also get them to crack off a last-ditch shot right before they perish.

Codex: Astra Militarum will be dispatched not long after the Death Korps of Krieg Army Set, with all the same rules and lore in a different cover.

Head back to the reveals hub and check out everything else we’ve shown today.
* We know what you’re thinking, and yes – three of these and six Field Ordnance Batteries sounds like an excellent idea.