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Get Your First Taste of the Epic Upcoming Blacktalon Animation With this Special Teaser

Make ready to ride the winds aetheric with an action-packed teaser for Blacktalon, the latest Warhammer Animation. Take your first look below.

You won’t have to wait much longer to watch this six-episode series that stars Neave Blacktalon, one of Sigmar’s most single-minded hunters. Tasked with stemming a horrific Nurglesque epidemic, Neave is also plagued by fragmented memories from her past life.

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Neave is a legendary Knight-Zephyros, a lightning-fast warrior who can ride magical eddies that surge around the battlefield, appearing as sudden as a thunderbolt, twin axes in hand. 

Like many Stormcast Eternals, Neave has no memory before her first Reforging, and each death steals a little more of her humanity – so she’s battling her own perception of herself as well as the Maggotkin.

This isn't Neave's first outing in the Mortal Realms – she’s already earned her own miniature, and she most recently made an appearance in the short story The Long Run.

Neave thunders into action on Warhammer+ very soon. Subscribe today and you’ll also be able to discover more about the history of the Kharadron Overlords on Loremasters, and find out how Critical Ops work in a Kill Team Battle Report. The Warhammer Vault also gains White Dwarf issues 298 and 299, featuring pages of hobby advice, stories, showcases, and battle reports.

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