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The Squats Make Battlesuits Out of Mining Equipment – And Corpses out of Other Gangs

Fest2022 Necromunda May6 Header

At Warhammer Fest, we saw Necromunda’s new Ironhead Squat Prospector gang for the first time. These abhuman excavators are a fierce bunch in their own right, and tooled up for double-barrelled destruction – you need to be, when searching for survey sites out in the ash wastes or guarding a land train loaded with precious chems and ore. 

Sometimes, though, you need something a little bit bigger to accompany your Prospectors on their most dangerous digs. Sometimes, you need the Vartijan Exo-Driller.

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These suits of rugged exo-armour were originally designed to protect Squat miners in the most hostile environments – and the ash wastes definitely qualify. They’ve been upgraded over the centuries with heavier weapons and better defences, and Prospector gangs now bring them along to fight off Ash Waste Nomads or other hostiles trying to claim the prime dig sites out in the Necromundan badlands.

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The Vartijan Exo-Driller is a widely-used variant, named after the legendary Squat engineer Valya Vartijan, of the Svardhol mining clan – make sure you give thanks to her every time it stomps an enemy fighter into jam. Aside from its piston-powered pulverising fist and seismic crusher, the suit’s also armed with a Squat-made heavy flamer – which can be replaced with a heavy bolter for even more serious killing potential.

The Vartijan Exo-Driller is a Brute that’s exclusively available to Ironhead Squat Propectors. Its rules will arrive in the forthcoming Book of the Outlands, alongside a host of other cool rules and nasty outdoors surprises.

You can get ready for the Ironhead Squat Prospectors and their new Brute by picking up the Necromunda: Ash Wastes boxed set – and sign up for our newsletter to get all of the latest updates from the underhive and beyond sent straight to your inbox.

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