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Lead Your Action Figure Army With This Gravis-armoured Ultramarines Captain

SundayPreview Aug15 BandaiHeader

With all the Space Marines action figures now on your shelves, you’ve probably considered adding another tier to the rather flat chain of command. It’s your lucky day, because you can pre-order this imposing Ultramarines Captain action figure from our partners at Bandai right now.

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While these pictures show a prototype version,* the final figure has the same premium build quality as the original Bandai Primaris Intercessor (can you believe that came out almost two years ago?), but this one’s wearing distinctive Mk X Gravis armour. The added bulk of his layered armour cuts an imposing figure in your display.

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Talking of cutting, he’s armed with a master-crafted power sword, as befitting his rank, and a belt-fed boltstorm gauntlet connected to his backpack. Standing around 8.5” tall including his crest, with 51 points of articulation, his proportions are in keeping with the other Bandai figures, as you would expect – but even chunkier, thanks to his Gravis armour. The long cape is removable, and you’ll also get a clenched fist option for the right hand. 

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The final figure will be composed of injection-molded plastic and die-cast metal pieces, making the Ultramarines Captain feel even sturdier and more substantial than previous action figures. In fact, it’s nearly three times heavier, with the addition of those cast-metal internal components. 

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You can secure your Ultramarines Captain right now as a Made to Order item. But don’t delay – the order period will close on Tuesday, the 31st of August. 

Bandai will produce the figures once the order period has closed, allowing about eight months for manufacturing and global distribution.

* The final Ultramarines Captain action figure will have a very similar premium finish to the existing Primaris Space Marine series of action figures from Bandai.

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