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  • Sunday Preview – The Orruk Warclans get ready to unleash their Waaagh!

Sunday Preview – The Orruk Warclans get ready to unleash their Waaagh!

It’s the last Sunday Preview of the year, and 2025 is set to start off with a bang as a grand Waaagh! is amassing in the Mortal Realms, and the Orruk Warclans are limbering up in preparation of getting even more brutal and cunning than before. Elsewhere, dugouts the world over are gasping at the presence of a handful of new Star Players, while the foundries of Mars are supplying more troops for Legions Imperialis. 

Battletome: Orruk Warclans

The Mortal Realms are in turmoil thanks to an existential threat devised by Archaon and the Great Horned Rat. All this tumult is fine by the Orruk Warclans, who are happy there are more excuses to get into a massive scrap, just like the great green god Gorkamorka would want.

Battletome: Orruk Warclans is 128 pages of might makes right, with a hefty background section covering these belligerents, as well as rules split between the brutal Ironjawz and the cunning Kruleboys. Both halves of da Waaagh! get their own Battle Traits, Battle Formations, Heroic Traits, Artefacts of Power, Spell Lores, and Manifestation Lores, while the Ironjawz also get a Prayer Lore. There are a total of 16 warscrolls for the Ironjawz and 17 for the Kruleboyz, as well as a brand new Spearhead – the Ironjawz Big Mob. 

If you want to combine sheer force and circuitous scheming then the Big Waaagh! Army of Renown gives you a chance to bring both halves together, while each side also gets its own bespoke Army of Renown and Regiment of Renown. On top of that, you can build your own ferocious hero with a new Anvil of Apotheosis, and conquer the lands with additional Path to Glory rules. A small-format Gamer’s Edition will also be available, packaged with a complete set of reference cards and available while stocks last.

Hobgrot Slittaboss

Hobgrot companies rove across the Mortal Realms in search of plunder, led by the cruelest and most vicious of their kind, odious creatures known as Slittabosses. They will ply their trade with anyone, but find a certain kinship with the equally deceitful Kruleboyz. They take great pleasure in swindling these conniving orruks, and happily wear gory trophies of their triumphs in battle. This plastic kit has a choice of two heads – one helmed and one bare.*

Bossrokk Tower and Skaregob Totem

Primarily invested in the toppling and razing of structures and civilization, the Orruk Warclans are still aware of the power that a good edifice can provide. To wit, there’s the Bossrokk Tower and Skaregob Totem, raised by the Ironjawz and Kruleboyz to tap into the innate energy of the Waaagh! and empower the bosses who clamber atop them to yell at their underlings. This set builds your choice of Bossrokk Tower or Skaregob Totem.*

Orruk Warclans Manifestations

The power of the Waaagh! is not limited to turning orruks into unstoppable combat monsters – those gifted few who can channel this roiling energy can call upon catastrophic spells to ravage their enemies, and some can even turn this magic into corporeal manifestations. From the screaming and hollering Gork-Roara to the colossal Foot of Gork, these manifestations affect the battlefield in an unconventionally orruk-like manner, and can be taken by either Kruleboyz or Ironjawz armies for free. *

Spearhead: Ironjawz Bigmob

The Ironjawz are ready to barge into Spearhead under the command of a hulking Megaboss. With their durable pig-iron armour and simple but effective weapons, the Ironawz Bigmob sweeps foes aside with unstoppable momentum. Accompanying the Megaboss in their quest to krump are three Brute Ragerz, five Brutes, and 10 Ardboyz.*

Killaboss with Stab-grot and Swampcalla Shaman with Pot-grot

The conniving Kruleboyz are led by those who express Morkish kunnin’, such as the pernicious Killabosses and Swampacalla Shamans. These mean-spirited orruks love to boss others around, which is why they’re accompanied by grots they can force to do menial tasks, and shove in front of incoming blows. Both the Killaboss with Stab-grot and Swampcalla Shaman with Pot-grot will be available to pre-order separately for the first time since their release in the Dominion box set. *

Warscroll Cards 

Your collection is not complete without a set of warscroll cards. This set of 43 quick reference cards has every warscroll found within Battletome: Orruk Warclans, as well as their faction terrain endless spells, and the new Ironjawz Bigmob Spearhead warscrolls.** 

Path to Glory: Ravaged Coast

The Ravaged Coast of Aqshy is the frontier of the Skaven invasion into the Realm of Fire, and the stage for raging battles between vast armies led by powerful champions. Path to Glory: Ravaged Coast is the first narrative expansion for the new edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Its 88 pages are filled with new background on the war in Aqshy and the rush to gather precious Emberstone, 10 new Paths for your heroes to ascend and six for your units, plus 12 battleplans. It also contains rules for forging your own bespoke Emberstone weapons for your Path to Glory heroes, as well as universal enhancements, lores, and Regiments of Renown for the Ravaged Coast Path to Glory Battlepack.*

Spike! Presents: 2024 Almanac!

Spike! is back with a new Almanac which compiles Spike! Journal issues 16, 17, and 18 alongside rules for new Star Players, including several you’ll see below. This volume primarily covers Vampire, Gnome, and Chaos Dwarf teams, and is packed with columns and rules for all three, including regular features like Chat With The Rat, Dirt From The Dugout, Coffin Corner, and plenty more. You’ll be able to pre-order in hardback or ePub versions next week.*

Anqi Panqi

Lustrian Superleague teams welcome Anqi Panqi into their teams with open arms, and this taciturn Temple Guardian is ready to bring his A-game to the gridiron once again. With years of experience as a bodyguard, Anqi Panqi is an adept Blocker, who sends opponents sprawling with his Savage Blow special rule. He is made from Forge World resin, and comes with rules in the box and in the Spike! Presents: 2024 Almanac!

Guffle Pusmaw

Stricken with a terrible case of nominative determinism, Guffle Pusmaw was always destined to be a Star Player for Favoured of Nurgle teams, and the gaping maw in his belly gifted to him by Grandfather Nurgle certainly helped things along. As a Catcher he uses his bulk to steady himself as his unpleasantly prehensile tongue lashes out for the ball, often even when it’s still in the hands of his opponents. He is made from Forge World resin and comes with rules in the box and in the Spike! Presents: 2024 Almanac!

Jeremiah Kool

The greatest Blood Bowl player ever to have hit the pitch has heard that Jordell Freshbreeze is threatening to take the title, and has geared back up to retain his top spot. Agile, experienced, and overwhelmingly cruel, this superlative Star Player is ready to dazzle and amaze for Elven Kingdoms League teams. He is made from Forge World resin and comes with rules in the box and in the Spike! Presents: 2024 Almanac!

Rashnak Backstabber

Chaos Dwarf teams employ Hobgoblins to do their dirty work both on and off the pitch, and fewer are as skilled at dispatching foes with a surreptitious stab from a poisoned dagger as Rashnak Backstabber. After years experimenting with venoms and toxins in Lustria, this furtive little sneak is ready to practise his deadly art while his teammates do all of that boring blocking and scoring. He is made from Forge World resin and comes with rules in the box and in the Spike! Presents: 2024 Almanac!

Rowana Forestfoot

It isn’t uncommon for Gnomes to sneak animal companions into their Blood Bowl teams, but only Rowana Forestfoot, once captain of the Glimdwarrow Groundhogs, has the audacity to ride a stag during games. Flashhoof’s natural speed opens up new opportunities during matches, and makes Rowana a sought-after Star Player. She is made from Forge World resin and comes with rules in the box and in the Spike! Presents: 2024 Almanac!

Mechanicum Battle-Automata

The Mechanicum make use of a variety of Battle-Automata in their war efforts, each constructed to fulfill a specific role in their battlelines. This set of 24 miniatures split across 12 bases contains two Vultarax Stratos-Automata, two Arlatax Battle-Automata, two Domitar Battle-Automata, two Vorax Battle-Automata, and four Castellax Battle-Automata, which can be deployed by both the Mechanicum and the Dark Mechanicum.*

Mechanicum Infantry

Alongside cadres of machines and cyborgs, the Mechanicum also employ a complement of infantry, from the Archmagos Primes who float around imperiously on their Abeyants, to lowly Adsecularis Tech-Thralls who function as chaff ahead of the main force. The box contains 110 miniatures split across 32 bases to give you two Archmagos Primes on Abeyant, two Myrmidon Secutor Hosts, two Tech-Priest Auxillia, four Ursarax Cohorts, four Myrmidon Destructor Hosts, eight Thallax Cohorts, and 10 Tech-Thrall Covenants, which can be used by Mechanicum Taghmata and Dark Mechanicum armies.*

Mechanicum Triaros Squadron

With its unique design amongst tanks, suited for extremely hostile environments, the Triaros Armoured Conveyor is the primary transport of the Mechanicum. Thick armour plates, interlocking shields, and weapon servitors make them perfect for the task, and this box contains four Triaros and a Mechanicum transfer sheet containing 394 transfers. These too may be used by either side.*

Seraptek Heavy Construct with Synaptic Obliterators

The Seraptek Heavy Construct is one of the Necrons’ largest battle machines. A surprisingly agile thing with its scuttling, insectile form, it canters across the battlefield firing synaptic obliterators and transdimensional projectors. This colossus is made of Forge World resin, and has rules available to download from Warhammer Community.

White Dwarf 508

Everyone’s favourite Warhammer magazine returns with a bumper January issue. The Siege of Lethis comes to an end in the final instalment of Flashpoint Lethis, and we also get the first battle report of the new edition of Warhammer Underworlds. There are two brand new Combat Patrols – Strike Platoon Gorgonne VI for the Tempestus Scions, and the Mindflenser’s Murder Court for the Necrons. You’ll learn how to paint the Dwarfs of Warhammer: The Old World with the help of the ’Eavy Metal team, and test your skills in player-vs-environment missions in Kill Team.***

The Primarchs Collection: Visions of Glory and Despair

Created by the Emperor to lead his armies during the Great Crusade, the Primarchs have become some of the most important and recognisable figures in all of Warhammer. The Primarchs Collection: Visions of Glory and Despair brings together artwork of all 18 known Primarchs, plus one piece of the Emperor in all his resplendent glory and one piece of Horus Lupercal in his traitorous guise as Warmaster. All 20 prints are 297x420mm in size (that’s A3 to some of you), and packed in individual sleeves within a decorative display box.*

Next week’s Warhammer TV content falls on New Year’s Day, which means you can recover from ringing in 2025 with a heap of soothing content… after witnessing the Primarchs of the Horus Heresy having a no-holds barred showdown in the second episode of Arena of Death.

For something a little more calming, you can learn how to paint food in miniature with the help of Citadel Colour Masterclass, before washing it all down with an episode of Loremasters about the monarch of all that is mildewy and mouldering – the one and only Skragrott, the Loonking.

Next week on Warhammer Community we’ll be taking a closer look at Path to Glory: Ravaged Coast, revealing the Miniatures of the Year, and finding out more about Battletome: Orruk Warclans.

* These products are delayed in Australia and New Zealand.

** These products are delayed in Australia, New Zealand, and China.

*** These products are delayed in Australia, New Zealand, and Japan.