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Brush Up on Your Tactics – The Next Crop of Warhammer Events Are Coming Soon

EventMinis2022 Feb14 Header

A hot new slate of Warhammer Events are on their way, from Grand Tournaments to in-store Organised Play. Here’s what’s coming soon.

WHUFuture Oct21 OPBox

Organised Play is returning for Warhammer Underworlds to celebrate the launch of the new season. Kits are even now winging their way to many Warhammer and independent hobby stores. You’ll be able to test your mettle, win trophies, and score some swag by getting involved in events using the Rivals, Nemesis, or Relic formats.

Ask your local store managers if they’ve got their Organised Play kit, and what formats they’ll be running. 

USOpen2022 Mar11 Header

In November, the US Open 2022 Grand Finale lands in New Mexico, along with the incredible and long-awaited Grand Narrative Finale.

Attendees will get to enjoy a weekend of fantastic action-packed narrative games – with a chance to set the course of new Warhammer canon. 

As you’re reading this, the US Open will be underway in Kansas City at the Sheraton Kansas City Hotel. Even if you don’t yet have a ticket, you can head there right now to check out the games in progress, shop for event miniatures and more. Alternatively you could head over to the Warhammer Twitch channel and check out our live coverage from the top tables.

USOpen GrandNarrative Jun10 Button3

A small number of tickets are still available for the Warhammer Grand 40,000 Narrative Event, so you can still get involved with this immersive weekend-long event. Look out for the Titanic Master Painting Class – you’ll buy and learn to paint a Titan across the weekend, bringing your terrifying god engine to life under the expert tutelage of some master painters.

WC Fest image1

The biggest ever Warhammer event is coming. As the ultimate Games Workshop event, Warhammer Fest will be packed with all sorts of amazing things, including the next instalment of Golden Demon. Check out all the details on the dedicated Warhammer Fest site.


WHW Events Sep27 Header

Warhammer World will be hosting oodles of exciting events in 2023 – some of which were previewed last month. Tickets go on sale from the 7th of November.

Events Oct28 1HH

Pick a side, join a group of like-minded hobbyists, and decide the fate of a whole world in a one-day Horus Heresy narrative event. Bring your best-painted HQ along to enter the painting competition.


Events Oct28 2KT

Test your tactical prowess in a three-round Kill Team tournament, battle it out against skilled commanders and fight your way to a trophy at Warhammer World.


Events Oct28 3BB

Pair the brutal fantasy sport of Blood Bowl with its closest real-life companion in the Bugman’s Belter, which dovetails a series of Blood Bowl games with a night of merriment watching Super Bowl LVII.


Events Oct28 4MEGT

Prove your mastery of Middle-earth in a six-game tournament that requires you to alternate between Good and Evil forces to come out on top. Two days of competitive gaming combined with a painting competition and the famous Green Dragon Inn™ pub quiz will make this the ultimate Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game event.


Events Oct28 5MEBC

Veterans and newcomers alike are invited to check out this unique Battle Companies event. Build your Battle Company and tackle five games in one day, upgrading your force as you tell the tale of their trials and tribulations.


Events Oct28 6AoS

Construct a 2,000-point army and prepare to battle in five action-packed Matched Play games across two days. Carve your path to victory through sound strategic decisions, and compete for various awards, including the best-painted army.


There are also a slate of smaller events coming to Warhammer World in January in the form of Weekday Warhammer. Smaller than weekend events, but no less exciting, they’ll feature a mix of competitive and narrative games. We’ll have more information on these next month.

Don’t miss out on your tickets for the Warhammer Grand 40,000 Narrative Event at the US Open 2022, and keep an eye on the newsletter for more information on upcoming events.

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