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Make your vow with the new Darkoath Raiders Spearhead box

The Slaves to Darkness have many faces, but many among them are the hardy men and women of the Darkoath Tribes, abandoned by Sigmar when he beat a hasty retreat from Archaon at the dawn of the Age of Chaos. 

They make oaths to their gods in return for power, and their most ferocious leaders pursue the heady heights of the Path to Glory. With a savage new Spearhead coming alongside Battletome: Slaves to Darkness, they’ll soon be able to pledge their allegiance in this fast and furious game mode.

The Darkoath Raiders are a roving band of brutes united by a Darkoath Warqueen, a fearless warrior who has reached the dizzying heights of leadership amongst the Darkoath Tribes, and as such has begun her long journey to ascend the Path to Glory. 

Once per turn, they can make one of their infamous Oaths to Darkness, proving their might to the gods so that they might be handsomely rewarded. To do so, they choose one of their battle tactic cards and show it to their opponent. 

If it is scored, the card remains face up and the command ability on it can be used at any applicable time during the rest of the game. Face-up Oaths don’t count towards your hand of battle tactics, so by fulfilling them you can amass a trove of commands to call on.

The Darkoath Raiders have two Regiment Abilities. They can either go all-in on melee combat with the Rage of Arkhar, which allows a unit to improve its Rend, or lean into their natural talent for hit-and-run attacks as Fearless Invaders.

The Darkoath Warqueen herself is the lynchpin, taking Oath of Supremacy in her Hero Phase, bestowing improved hit rolls to a unit within 12”.

Usually found roving the lands in pursuit of their own oaths, the Darkoath Savagers are accompanied by a Godspeaker, who uses her powers of divination to receive Visions of Glory.

The force is completed by five swift Darkoath Fellriders, and 10 Darkoath Marauders who have the chance to return to battle via the Reinforcements keyword.

You’ll be able to pre-order Battletome: Slaves to Darkness and the new Darkoath Raiders Spearhead box on Saturday, so you can make all sorts of promises to the pantheon, and secure power unimaginable for fulfilling these dark bonds.