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10th Edition Warhammer 40,000 – Your Questions Answered!

With a new edition of Warhammer 40,000 on the way, it’s no surprise that you probably have a few questions. While we can’t say too much at the moment, there are some things that we can certainly clear up right now.

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Is this a totally new edition? 

Let’s get this out of the way from the off – the new 10th edition of Warhammer 40,000 is a complete revision of the game you know and love. 

Every single element of the game has been revised and rewritten from the ground up for an entirely new, and more cohesive, experience. Plenty of rules remain the same – but there is not a single one that has not been reassessed and, if necessary, rewritten to work perfectly in the new system. 

This is genuinely a whole new world of Warhammer!

Will it be quicker and easier to play?

We’ve listened to your feedback and have taken on board all the suggestions we’ve received since the launch of 9th edition. One thing that repeatedly came up was the number of different books you currently need to reference while playing. Thankfully, the days of flicking through multiple books to find the one rule you need are now over! Datasheet Cards for your faction now contain all the information you need to play the game at your fingertips.

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One core design philosophy has governed all of the changes: “simplified, not simple”.  All the rules for your army are now contained exclusively on a single double-page spread, there are also far fewer Stratagems, relics, and special rules to keep track of. Universal special rules are back in the game – It doesn’t matter if you’re making a Dimensional Translocation or preparing Death From Below, it’s all a Deep Strike now!

Core Stratagems are also much more reactive in the new edition. This means there’s less waiting around during your opponent’s turn and plenty more opportunities to attack and defend, even while your opponent is making their moves.

How easy is it to get into the game?

We know that not everyone has a full evening to spare playing one game – or has a 2,000-point army ready to rock – which is why we’re introducing the Combat Patrol format. 

You and your friends can each grab any one Combat Patrol box, download a set of rules that balances your chosen force against any other Combat Patrol box, and you’ll have enough to play a quick, satisfying game against each other straight away.

It’s a game mode designed to allow new players to get started right with any faction in the game, or for experienced players who want to try a new force without feeling they have to get a huge army.40k Hub Link1

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How are Combat Patrols balanced?

Combat Patrol is the new mode for Warhammer 40,000. It pits the contents of one Combat Patrol box against another and it’s a fantastic way to begin playing. How have the Warhammer Design Studio managed to balance different boxes aggainst each other? With great ingenuity – this really is a silky smooth way to dip your toes into the 41st Millennium. We’ll have a lot more on this new way to play in coming articles, including a deeper explanation of how balance is achieved among such disparate forces.

Will my collection and codexes be compatible?

Your miniatures aren’t going anywhere, and we’ll have plenty more to say about what codexes will look like early next week. Rest assured you won’t be wanting for options in the new edition.

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Are Universal Special Rules returning?

The short answer is yes! Ultimately the Warhammer Design Studio decided that having the same special rule under a dozen or more separate faction names had become a bit of a barrier to the smooth running of the game – not least because many players simply referred to them by a single name anyway, such as Deep Strike and Feel No Pain.

Do Vehicle and Monster profiles still degrade as they take damage?

More or less, though the mechanic has been streamlined. Instead of three separate profiles, there’s a single line on each unit card that still acts like this and explains any penalties incurred when a certain Wounds threshold is reached. More on this soon.

What is the OC stat?

OC stands for Objective Control, and it’s a measure of how good a unit is at holding a contested objective. The confusing days of Objective Secured are gone – and we’ll have more on how the new rule works very soon too.

When can I get the new box and start playing?

There’s still a bit of time before the new edition is released into the wild. In the meantime, we’ll have plenty of news and reveals coming your way. To make sure you get all the updates as they come, sign up for our newsletter and visit the updated Warhammer 40,000 website.

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