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  • Unleash The Power of the Gorechosen With a Barbarous New Blades of Khorne Battalion

Unleash The Power of the Gorechosen With a Barbarous New Blades of Khorne Battalion

Worshipping Khorne is a risky business – the Blood God has no compunctions about reaping his due of blood and skulls from his own followers. The route to the top is littered with the dead bodies of enemies and would-be usurpers, but this gruelling path forges truly indomitable champions known as the Gorechosen.

These towering slabs of muscle and brass range from bloody-handed priests to ambitious headhunters, accompanying the mightiest Lords of Khorne to battle – often as a retinue of eight hand-picked warriors.

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Each of these brooding hulks is a warrior with unique skills earned through a lifetime of studious slaughter. They move as one before their brass-clad lord, goading, stoking, and chanting their way into glorious combat as a Gorechosen core battalion

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These heroes each have their own place within the inner circle. The Slaughterpriest invokes divine blessings from Khorne, while the Aspiring Deathbringer is a savage champion who loves nothing more than tearing apart enemy HEROES in single combat.

Roaring into battle with flaming anvils, Skullgrinders are their Lord’s personal battlesmiths. They take great care to ensure the melee weapons of one nearby BLOODBOUND HERO are Tempered by Fury, increasing their Rend in order to expedite executions.*

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The Bloodstoker goads Khorne’s faithful into the thick of the action lickety-split. By unleashing mighty lashes on his allies in the movement phase, up to D3 friendly BLOODBOUND units can be Whipped to Fury, letting them run and charge later in the turn.*

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The pain train doesn’t stop here – taking the Gorechosen battalion gives your army a free enhancement to play with. Of particular interest is the Lord of the Gorechosen command trait – slap this on a Mighty Lord of Khorne to grant extra melee attacks to all Gorechosen within 16".

With a bellow of ‘Bring Me Their Skull!’ in the combat phase this supreme killer can incite one of his GORECHOSEN subordinates – preferably the one buffed to the nines** – granting them the ability to strike-first.

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With seven different Gorechosen to choose from and at least five slots to fit them in, you can construct your very own coterie of carnage. Double down on divine dedications with a crimson clergy featuring the Realmgore Ritualist, or just fill the battalion with the most muscle-bound killers available – it’s all bound to end in blood.

Battletome: Blades of Khorne is available for pre-order from this Saturday, so you can craft your own inner circle of Gorechosen. Tomorrow we’ll see what tricks Slaanesh has up their silken sleeves…

* Naturally, all of the Gorechosen are also Bloodbound – only mortals need apply!

** Khorne prefers “buffed to the eights” but we don’t think it will catch on.

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