While everyone’s been talking about the awesome new models, the updated Vehicle rules, and all those squigs in the new Orks codex, the art is one of the best things about the book. You could even say this is Warhammer 40,000’s ‘green period’.
Every page of Codex: Orks is packed with things you love about the galaxy-spanning greenskins. Somehow frightening, hilarious, brutal, and charming all at once, this tome is by far the Orkiest one yet – and we want to celebrate that fact.
We asked nicely if we could give you some free, high-res art to use as digital wallpapers, and our War(hammer Community)bosses were all for it – no teef necessary. So now, you’ll need to suppress a throaty “WAAAGH!” every time you look at your mobile devices and monitors.
Download your favourites now to bring an explosive Waaagh! to all of your devices – or to lovingly stroke Ghazghkull’s face each time you use your smartphone, we won’t judge.
Codex: Orks is sure to please longtime fans, new collectors, and general Warhammer 40,000 buffs alike, with stellar art, flavourful rules, and gripping lore across the board. Keep your eyes peeled for more information about the book, including when you can pre-order a glorious collector’s edition or standard hardback copy.