Fresh from beating seven bells out of the Idoneth Deepkin* in Fury of the Deep, and with a new Battletome: Fyreslayers coming to pre-orders this Saturday, Grimnir’s chosen warriors are making their mark on the Mortal Realms once again.
A Fyreslayer host on the warpath is a sight to warm the heart, and we loved this particularly eye-catching one from Warhammer Community regular Amy Snuggs. To find out how they came to be, we asked Amy for the low-down on her duardin from the Lofnir lodge – a group of salamander-worshipping Fyreslayers who’ll soon be able to take Magmadroths as Battleline units.

Amy: I painted my Fyreslayers shortly after they entered the Age of Sigmar back in 2016. I immediately loved them and knew I wanted to paint an army. Something about them really struck a chord with me – the models are awesome, and have lots of interesting parts to paint.

I decided to paint them based on the Lofnir lodge scheme, because their split black and orange hair is a great way to break up a lot of orange on the models. When planning the paint scheme, I also wanted to create a really contrasting basing scheme so that the models would pop against it.

I decided to go for snowy, ice bases to contrast against the warm tones of their skin and bright orange hair. I absolutely loved painting them and have very fond memories of building up the army.

My favourite units in the army to paint were the Hearthguard Berzerkers, particularly the flamestrike poleaxe variants. The models look amazing, and painting their flaming weapons was really fun. I definitely want to add some more to my army soon!

The new Auric Flamekeeper model from Fury of the Deep and the upcoming battletome have got me excited to add more to my collection. It’s definitely an interesting task adding to an army I painted six years ago.

I can see the progression in my painting looking back at the army, and although part of me wants to repaint units, I have a lot of pride as it was one of the first armies I completed for Age of Sigmar. I can’t wait to add more to the collection – I’ve got plans to add the other Magmadroth variants in the future!
Thanks Amy! Whether you’re planning to bellow across the battlefield with the buffed Battlesmith or melt your foes to slag with the Fyreslayers’ new runes, the new battletome has something for you. Pick up your pre-order this Saturday, and bring glory to the magmaholds.
* Credit where it’s due, the aelves gave as good as they got.