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Angron’s Rules Revealed – How Many Spines Could Spinegrinder Grind if Spinegrinder Could Grind Spines?

Warhammer 40,000 has seen some epically powerful fighters in its 35 years, from risen Primarchs to incensed Avatars.

But few deserve even to be mentioned in the same breath as the apex predator of the 41st Millennium – Angron, Daemon Primarch of the World Eaters. A supreme fighter even before his ascension, Angron is a frothing cocktail of skill, power, and incandescent rage, and his arrival spells doom for those unlucky enough to meet him on the battlefield.

Just how powerful is he? We’re glad you asked.

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Those beefy arms aren’t just for crushing bodybuilding competitions. The Red Angel clocks in at a monstrous Strength 9, making his open hand slaps as powerful as a lascannon blast, and that’s before he picks up his frankly terrifying weapons. Once he takes Samni’arius (the sword) and Spinegrinder (the axe) in hand, things get really wild.

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Wielded as a pair, his Skull-taking Slash is perfect for VEHICLES, MONSTERS, and especially stubborn CHARACTERS. Strength 14 wounds the majority of targets on a 2+, blowing right through tough hide or steel plating. Did we mention his mind-boggling 12 Attacks? That’s almost three wrecked Leman Russ Battle Tanks per turn* – on average. Do not get your fancy ride within a mile of this guy.

Don’t think that hordes of expendable infantry will bog him down either, as his Bloodletting Sweep triples the number of attacks he makes. Have you ever seen dozens of brave Battle Sisters disappear in the blink of an eye? You will soon.

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With such power at Angron’s disposal, we wondered how he compares with his brothers in a mortal-murdering contest. Even with the assistance of a friendly Smite, a not-so-friendly Doombolt, and a downright rude Tzeentch’s Firestorm, Magnus the Red usually struggles to knock down more than 15 Imperial Guardsmen in a turn – never bring a nerd to a jock fight. Meanwhile, Mortarion averages a more respectable 21 kills with the reaping scythe profile on Silence, plus a noxious blast from his Lantern. 

Even with an average set of rolls, you can expect Angron to effortlessly eviscerate around 30 troopers like it's no big deal. He might not have an arcane alien gun or fancy psychic powers to show off, but who needs magic when you have huge arms and a whopping great axe to grind?

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As sheer rage and wrath incarnate, you’d be forgiven for thinking Angron’s a one trick pony, but he also has a number of handy support abilities to assist nearby World Eaters. Granted, he doesn’t make much effort to command his men, preferring to inspire them with furious bloodshed.

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When not leading fellow Khornates to greater heights of brutality with Infectious Rage and Glorious Bloodletting, the Red Angel’s sheer presence is enough to root enemies in place. Once Angron is within reach, death is assured. For Angron himself, on the other hand, death is not assured – he can, and likely will, return from death if your army has performed sufficient slaughter using Reborn in Blood. How does that work? You’ll have to wait and see…

You’ll have your chance to add Angron to your World Eaters army soon, so sign up to the Warhammer Community newsletter to find out his release date as soon as it drops.

* Provided they were kind enough to cluster around him in a group.