The new edition of the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game™ has been out for a few months now, and we have already seen the first designers’ commentary and a new plastic miniature for Bolg™ Spawn of Azog™ – but things aren’t stopping there. You’ll soon be able to ride to the aid of Minas Tirith as Prince Imrahil™ of Dol Amroth™.

Descended from the noble line of Númenor, Imrahil is the brother-in-law of Denethor and Lord of the city of Dol Amroth. He commanded the force that saved a wounded Faramir from the pursuing army of Mordor and rode to the defence of Minas Tirith during the Battle of Pellenor Fields™, leading a company of Swan Knights in a glorious charge from the White City’s gates.
A new plastic kit features Prince Imrahil on foot and mounted on an armoured horse. Both Imrahil and his mount feature armour detailed with swan iconography, as befits the Prince of Dol Amroth.

He will be released in the coming months, and you’ll be able to find his rules in the upcoming Armies of Middle-earth™ – a 192-page hardback rules supplement that expands your choices for units and army building.

Armies of Middle-earth™ contains the rules for 130 units, featuring heroes, villains, monsters, and warriors from Middle-earth’s lengthy history. It covers a huge selection of classic miniatures, plus new unit profiles such as the War Drakes of Rhûn.

The Forces of Good are ready to stand and fight with profiles for units and heroes from The Free Peoples, Rohan, Gondor, Kingdoms of Men, Elven Kingdoms and Dwarven Holds, and you’ll be able to use them in 14 Good Army lists:
Battle of Bywater
Arathorn’s Stand
The Grey Company
The Beornings
Fords of Isen
Paths of the Drúadan
The Fiefdoms
The Grief of Éomer
Army of Dale
Battle of Fornost
Kingdom of Khazad-dûm
Army of Erebor
Defenders of Erebor

And for those that would see Middle-earth brought to ruin, the Forces of Evil comprise Mordor, Isengard, the Misty Mountain, and the Fallen Realms, used in 14 Evil Army Lists:
Army of the Great Eye
Sharkey’s Rogues
Dragons of the North
Host of the Witch-king
Shadows of Angmar
Buhrdûr’s Horde
Wolf Pack of Angmar
Army of Carn Dûm
The Easterlings
Host of the Dragon Emperor
The Serpent Horde
Grand Army of the South
Many of the heroes and warriors that feature in the Armies of Middle-earth supplement can also be taken in army lists found in Armies of The Lord of The Rings™ and Armies of The Hobbit™. Where this is the case, the Legions of Middle-earth section will provide details of which army lists they can be taken in, and what Heroic Tier those heroes will count as in those lists.
With this supplement you’ll be able to use parts of your collection that were not covered in the Armies of The Lord of The Rings™ and Armies of The Hobbit™ rules supplements. We’ll let you know when you can pre-order both Prince Imrahil and the Armies of Middle-earth™ here on Warhammer Community.