The new Codex: Genestealer Cults is in-store tomorrow! To celebrate the release, we just had to show off Scot Frazier’s incredible cult army, which is packed with stunning models painted in bold, eye-catching colours.
Scott: When the Genestealer Cults codex was announced, I knew that this was a project I had to do. I love the background and lore of the cults, and that coupled with the nostalgia of a reboot of an old faction into the modern game captured my imagination.

I knew right away that I wanted to focus heavily on Brood Brothers and separate their colour scheme from the rest of the force. My approach focused on two armies that would maintain a distinct visual difference on the tabletop while still complimenting each other. This helped the idea of the cult sinking its hooks into planetary society.

Every summer, my local game store runs an escalation league, and having deadlines and a group of folks all building new armies simultaneously provided the perfect excuse to start.*

Based on the league format, I knew that I would need to keep things fairly straightforward to keep pace. The old Warhammer 40,000 second edition Genestealer artwork** has always been some of my favourite, and the plan was to create something that fits in with that style.

I settled on blue and light grey for the Brood Brothers and orange and light grey for the core Genestealer Cults units. By incorporating the orange and grey combination as the markings for the Brood Brothers, I knew things would tie in while still giving me the distinct look I was after for the overall force.

My approach to the actual painting was to stick with a simple technique. This meant base colours on larger models were done with an airbrush,*** markings were taped off or stencilled rather than hand-painted, and I made use of recess shades, spot edge highlights, decals, weathering powders, and very simple bases.

I'm pleased with the final result as the army looks great on the tabletop, is true to my original idea behind it, and is fun to play. With the new codex on the horizon, I plan to add a few new units to the force, ready for another day of ascension.

Thanks, Scott! If you want to join in with the rebellion, make sure to grab the new Codex: Genestealer Cults. To really show your whole family’s dedication to your Patriarch, pick up a Neophyte in Training t-shirt for your kids too.
* New Year New Army is also an excellent excuse to kick off a new project.
** As it happens, we’ve recently featured some of this in our article on Genestealer Cults artwork through the ages.
*** Never used an airbrush before? Check out our guide to getting started.