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  • Heresy Thursday – Put Loyalist Weaklings to the Sword With the Traitor Champion Consul

Heresy Thursday – Put Loyalist Weaklings to the Sword With the Traitor Champion Consul

Loyalist Space Marine Legions recently welcomed a slick new Champion Consul, but legendary Traitor swordsmen also stalked the battlefield. These Champions were some of the finest duelists of their time, and one clad in upgraded MkIII power armour is now joining their ranks.

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Though extensively modified with extra armour plates, details, and bonding studs, this Champion Consul bears the hallmarks of the new infantry suits revealed at the NOVA Open Preview last month. Known as the ‘Iron’ pattern, MkIII power armour features heavily reinforced plates on the front suitable for head-on assaults and boarding actions – a useful feature for a warrior who’ll never turn his back on an enemy.

His sword is functional, though the hilt matches ornaments on his pauldrons and cloak. This simplicity gives it a more threatening vibe than the fancy weapons wielded by gaudy show-offs, as its sole purpose is made clear – the casual killing of unworthy foes.

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Extra reinforcement can be seen all across this resin miniature, with plates, rivets, and studs enhancing the heavy, brutal look of the MkIII armour. Even the backpack sports extra panels protecting its vents, while a helmetless option is included for those who want to give their opponents a bit of a chance. 

And although he has been painted in the colours of the Sons of Horus, the Traitor Champion Consul is Legion-agnostic and may be used by any of the nine Traitor Legions.

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As a close combat fighter on par with a Legion Praetor, the Champion Consul is an excellent choice for armies that want some heavy punch in the Assault phase, and especially when the enemy leaves foolhardy Characters out into the open. You’ll be able to pre-order this diabolical traitor/enlightened hero in Forge World resin very soon.

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