Today, you can become the controlling Tech-Priest and focus your tactics on the key units of the Haloscreed Battle Clade.

Tech‐Priests often prefer to monitor their forces remotely, but those who lead battle clades take this intervention to an extreme, exerting even finer control over their thralls. Projecting fragments of their consciousness through the noospheric battle‐sphere, they override the autonomy of their troops in order to inload tactical information, target coordinates and vector directives into cybernetic minds. Such assistance is gratefully received by the Machine God’s faithful, who feel blessed by the rush of divine wisdom and implanted knowledge.
You will be able to enhance certain units to enable them to fulfil the Omnissiah’s will. These tactical nuances will allow each Tech-Priest to implement their vision and bring exacting judgement to their enemies.
Haloscreed Battle Clades have access to advanced wafers which grant greater autonomy and destructive might to the contrasts of the Legio Cybernetica. These Transoracular Dyad Wafers will grant Kastelan Robots the power to be enhanced by the controlling Tech-Priest’s Noospheric Transference and the hymns of the faithful.
Using the commander's enhanced neural capacity enables tactical and analytical divination to process and predict where their consciousness is most necessary within the noosphere and for the thralls and fanatic followers to benefit from their insight.
We’re struggling to find the festive connection to a bunch of immortal argent androids, but it's the Necrons arriving tomorrow…