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  • A Flight of Jump Pack Space Marines Painted by the Community

A Flight of Jump Pack Space Marines Painted by the Community

A barrage of new Space Marine kits is punching through low orbit this weekend, and the advance vanguard has already landed in the hands of the painting community. 

The new Captain with Jump Pack is a high-velocity ceramite fist primed to smash through enemy lines – and he has proven extremely popular with our community painters. 

40k InfluencerMarines Sept29 RachelR

Rachel Redmond’s Blood Angels Captain leads the charge here, with Chris Lewis following with a Lamenter Captain, and Jon Gómez for the Space Wolves.

40k InfluencerMarines Sept29 AngeloDC

Campbell McLaughlin has a righteous wrecking ball of a Black Templar, Fletcher Giles has done the sons of Guilliman proud with a crisp Ultramarine, and Angelo Di Chello has impeccably painted a brutal-looking Captain for the Scythes of the Emperor.  

40k InfluencerMarines Sept29 MatthewH

Matthew Herrington has a flash Salamander, flanked by Jordan Duncan’s and Emma Svensson’s custom Chapters, which sit on the extreme ends of the grimdark-to-luminous spectrum.

These Captains all need squads to command (and confer bonuses to), so here’s a coterie of Jump Pack Intercessors to follow them into combat.

40k InfluencerMarines Sept29 MattH2

Matthew Herrington is up first with a squad of Salamanders ready to boost into battle.

40k InfluencerMarines Sept29 PeteH

Pete Harrison has painted up a delightful squad of these Raptors preparing to hit and run.

40k InfluencerMarines Sept29 FletcherG2

Fletcher Giles has paired his Captain with five noble Jump Pack Intercessors. 

40k InfluencerMarines Sept29 ScottW

Scott White has made sure to mark out the dangerous parts of his jump pack equipped Blood Ravens with some very fetching hazard stripes.*

40k InfluencerMarines Sept29 VincentK

Finally, Vincent Knotley has painted five separate successor chapters – (clockwise from upper right) Mortifactors, Flesh Tearers, Marines Malevolent, and Mantis Warriors, with Storm Giants taking the centre spot.

Thank you to everyone who contributed! Next week, we’ll be showing off even more community-painted Space Marines, but in the meantime, you’ll be able to pre-order your own Jump Pack Intercessors and Captain with Jump Pack from the Games Workshop webstore tomorrow.

* Have the Blood Ravens stolen those chainswords from the Iron Warriors, or is there a new health and safety section in the Codex Astartes?

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