The definitive tome for all things Cawdor, House of Faith, is coming soon. Our resident Enforcer Captain revealed some of what’s inside, and now we’re showing off even more of what the faithful can find in their new good book.

Believers’ Background
The House of Faith features more in-depth lore and background on the Cawdor clan than we’ve ever seen before. The book details how a few families of scavengers, relic hunters, and beggars used their faith to become the biggest house on Necromunda. Discover how the Cult of the Redemption swept through the underhive, bringing with them fire, faith, and the correct way to eat corpse-starch rations.

Getting the Gang Together
House of Faith offers you new ways of building your Cawdor gangs – you can now create gangs made entirely of Cawdor fighters, Redemptionists,* or a mix of the two! Be careful, though – if your gang has more Redemptionists in it than non-Redemptionists, it is automatically classed as an Outlaw gang. Of course, this may not be an issue for you, but the Enforcers might see things a little differently.

The Hired Help
Along with fresh ways to play your gang, House of Faith also offers new Dramatis Personae, along with house-specific Hangers-on and House Agents. Feel like your gang is missing a little motivation? A Flagellator can help with that.

Alternatively, if you need to enforce the Cult of the Redemption’s will, call on the red right hand of the Thane of Cawdor, the Headsman. You’ll find people are much more likely to follow your faith when you carry a MASSIVE axe.

Faith in Action
Along with a slew of new fighters, House Cawdor is also getting the most potent weapon in the entire galaxy – faith. Cawdor gangs can now generate faith dice, which you can spend on Articles of Faith. Each gang Leader must choose from one of the four different Paths of Faith in the book, then they can call on the Articles from that Path to aid their gang in battle.
We’ll be taking a closer look at how Articles of Faith can help your gangs, along with more peeks inside the House of Faith book as we get closer to its release date. In the meantime, join us over on the Necromunda Facebook page and let us know what you’re most looking forward to.
* We showed off the incredible new Redemptionist models in our recent Warhammer Preview Online.