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Dance With the Exiled Dead in the Depths of the Nethermaze (and on the Battlefield)

WHUW Nethermaze Apr15 Header

What kind of heinous acts would you have to commit to evoke the disgust of Nagash himself?* Well, just ask Deintalos, the leader of the Exiled Dead, who was forced to flee the morbid halls of Nagashizzar. This vampiric eccentric dabbles in some truly weird electro-necromancy, and his arco-experiments with the Force Dynamic were considered taboo even in Shyish.

It’s time to find out just what shocking deeds he’s been brainstorming in the twisting depths of the Nethermaze.

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The Exiled Dead is a large warband, and though the individual fighters don’t seem too impressive at first glance, they’re more than the sum of their parts.** Deintalos and his apprentice Marcov are the key, here – your vampiric leader’s Danse Dynamic ability can jolt his conductive Arcwalkers into bursts of lightning-fast violence, while Marcov can conduct a similar trick with Regulus, the single non-electrified zombie in the band.

These mad scientists can even bring their fallen Minions back to life, so the Exiled Dead will be very hard to wipe off the table as they bury their aelven enemies in corposant corpses. Resurrection comes at a price, however – every zombie starts the game Inspired, only to become un-Inspired after it’s raised from the dead. Er, again.

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As a result, the Exiled Dead function almost as though composed of two synchronised units – Deintalos and his experiments, and the Marcov-Regulus duo – giving them much more flexibility and some unexpected tricks.

The Channelled Dynamism Spell, for example, gives all conductive fighters Move 4 until the end of a phase. Coupled with Danse Dynamic, this offers your Arcwalkers some immense mobility – in one activation, you can shamble half your warband over to a skulking skaven assassin who thought they were at a safe distance. It’s a nasty shock for an unwary opponent!

Channelled Dynamism

The Exiled Dead’s ready-to-play Rivals deck also offers some really thematic objectives, inspired by their leader’s semi-scientific obsessions. Dynamic Chain, for instance, is scored by building a 'chain' of conductive fighters across the board – including Deintalos. As a conductive fighter himself, you can move Deintalos around with his own Danse Dynamic – a really neat feature that helps keep him close behind his Arcwalkers.

Not only is it where he’s most effective, it makes this objective simple to score – time for a corpsey conga!

Dynamic chain

Deintalos is truly the linchpin of this electro-animated warband, which will really shine for players who can strategise around a central hero and work hard to keep him safe.

This gangly graveyard group can also be used as a unit in Warhammer Age of Sigmar, adding a little galvanic pizzaz to Soulblight Gravelords armies.*** You can download their warscroll for free right now and start planning the Deadwalker Zombie tidal wave of your dreams.

The Exiled Dead

They’re not alone on the battlefields of the Mortal Realms – both new warbands for Nethermaze also have free warscrolls for download, with Skittershank’s Clawpack bringing new Eshin tricks to Skaven armies, and The Shadeborn adding shadow-hopping assassins to the Daughters of Khaine ahead of their new battletome.

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Are you planning on shambling through the Nethermaze with Deintalos and his Arcwalkers? Let us know your plans on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. You can also sign up to our newsletter to keep on top of the latest Warhammer Underworlds news.

* Other than stealing souls from him, of course, or refusing to die in a timely fashion.

** Much like anything stitched together by a necromancer.

*** Nagash may be harsh on his own employees, but he’ll seldom say no to freelance work.

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