House Delaque is the most mysterious and secretive of the gang houses, and anyone asking about their origins will struggle to get a straight answer. Instead, curious accounts of aliens wearing human skin, parasites burrowing into cadavers, and other strange rumours abound.
It probably doesn’t help that the agents of the House of Shadow are often accompanied by some of the most terrifyingly alien beasts in the underhive. Take the Servant of the Silent Ones – an esoteric part-mechanical, part-organic entity that lends plenty of credence to the tall tales.

These nightmarish creatures are a fusion of plasteel and genetic scraps, the outer shells are crafted to match the subterranean images dreamt by the Star Chamber – the congregation of Delaque leaders inextricably drawn together by the impressive and unknowable will of the Psychoterica.
Unlike the tentacled Piscean Spektors, the Servants are not brutes to be leashed – instead, they are fully self-sufficient. A cultured cranial soup is poured into their cortex, linking them through memories to the Silent Ones and their Piscean heritage. This is all doubtless very interesting information linked to the vast hidden history of Necromunda, but it’s sadly utterly lost on the terrified gangers who stare down whirring maws which can munch bulkheads as easily as bodies.

Their armoured bodies are surprisingly malleable, contorting quickly to tower over an Ogryn for one moment before swiftly flattening to slip through ducts. They can dash along ceilings or coil around hapless foes and liquidate their victims’ brains with powerful subsonic wails.
This unique House Delaque House Agent will be released as an expert kit made from Forge World Resin, and its rules can be found in Necromunda: House of Shadows which is packed with all sorts of fishy rumours about the planet's most mysterious faction.