The hive cities of Necromunda are great melting pots of humans, abhumans and mutants, where the lowest criminal scum might rub shoulders with high-falutin nobles keen to broaden their horizons… and hunt them for sport. It is in these immense cities that those ostracised by Imperial society can find a home, much like the extremely blasphemous Heretek.

Reckless inventors who twist, subvert, and reshape the sacred teachings of the Adeptus Mechanicus, Hereteks are inveterate tinkerers who dismiss the last 10,000 years of technological stagnation enforced by the zealots of Mars and spit at it by grafting a rubbery lackey to their back and handing him a big old gun.
They are more than happy to ignore millennia of doctrine, gleefully comingling Imperial gear, xenos artefacts, and archeotech to build dangerous new devices. Necromunda’s treasure trove of technology is the perfect place to procure, create, and test these new inventions far from the scrutiny of the vengeful tech-priests.
The Heretek can be hired for just 40 credits and put to work enhancing the weapon of one fighter during the pre-battle sequence with the Blast, Concussion, Rad-phage or Shock traits. Such hasty and unsanctioned upgrades come with a cost, and so they also become Unstable or Reckless. But that’s just the price of doing business.

A willingness to subvert the teachings of the Omnissiah also nets you a grav-gun or plasma gun for just a handful of credits. With the help of attendant Servo-skulls and a tracked C.A.T., your Heretek is ready to throw down at a moment's notice. He’s available for any Outlaw gang to hire – while enterprising Outcasts might even wish to choose him as a cheap and deadly gang leader…
The Heretek and Servo-skulls are made from Forge World resin. You can find their rules in the box, or in Necromunda: The Book of Ruin.