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Warhammer Age of Sigmar Faction Focus: Cities of Sigmar

AoS CitiesFF May27 Masthead

Gods, monsters, and warriors of unnatural prowess all walk the Mortal Realms, waging war, pillaging, and conquering – for an ordinary mortal to face them is to face death itself. But for the Cities of Sigmar, battling these horrors is a terrible necessity – the brave men and women of these embattled metropolises must fight for their survival in an increasingly hostile world.

Alongside aelves, duardin, and even ogors they march out to restore order to the realms, found new cities, and drive back the foul forces of Chaos that have claimed the Mortal Realms since Sigmar’s defeat at the end of the Age of Myth.

AoS CitiesFF May27 Image3What they lack in supernatural power, improbable bulk, or chaotic gifts, they more than make up for with diligence, faith, and doctrine. With shields and weapons in hand, they wage a tireless war to reclaim long-lost homelands and secure their future.


The Cities of Sigmar are the ordinary folk of the realms, who have taken the Coin Malleus and joined the military effort – or have been press-ganged in by the religious fanatics of the Cults Unberogen. Whether defending their cities or marching out on Dawnbringer Crusades, they fight with tireless determination and a stockpile of blackpowder weapons.

When they wage war, they do so as a reflection of their walled homesteads, taking to the battlefield in a Castelite formation – impregnable walls made up of rows of Freeguild Fusiliers with stout shields, Fusil-Majors on Ogor Warhulks flanking as watchtowers and armoured bulwarks, and a mighty Ironweld Greatcannon as the gatehouse.

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This formation is doctrinaire to the Cities of Sigmar. Once the enemy breaks on this defensive line, thundering cavalry make a devastating counter-charge, followed by units of foot soldiers, doughty duardin, and acrobatic aelves. Veteran commanders dictate the flow of battle, bellowing orders and sending their envoys running up and down the ranks to relay shifts in tactics as the report of fusils and cannons splits the air like thunder.

While much of the success of the Cities of Sigmar can be attributed to the academies that teach strategy, the weapon makers who craft gear, and the skills of the soldiers themselves, war in the Mortal Realms is ultimately a calculation. The brutal arithmetic at the heart of the war effort can only guarantee success through attrition. The Great Wheel must turn, even if its axel is lubricated by the blood of thousands.

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The Cults Unberogen, those most devout to Sigmar, ensure that the fires of faith burn strongly in the hearts of the men and women that march to battle in the inimical climates of the realms, bellies empty, feet sore, shoulders knotted. Every hard-won victory is one small step to a future that seems further away by the day, and victories are short-lived as the civilian army must repack their belongings and set off to the next battle – which may be their last. Despite this, they do not relent, no matter what horrors they face.

Battle Traits

The Cities of Sigmar triumph over overwhelming odds with a combination of hard-earned grit and tough strategic decisions made by the Marshals in command. Each of your HEROES can issue an Officar's Order to a unit wholly within 12” of them, telling them to Advance in Formation to secure a crucial objective or lay down a withering barrage of Suppressing Fire to disorientate their foes.

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Aelves and duardin fight shoulder-to-shoulder with humans, representing the cosmopolitan nature of the Cities of Sigmar on the battlefield. Commanders know the strengths and weaknesses of their armies' constituent parts, eking extra value out of Strike Them Down thanks to swift aelves while stout duardin help Hold the Line with their unshakeable resolve.

Battle Formations

When Fortress-City Defenders march out to defend their homes, they do so with steely discipline, standing resolute in the face of enemies many times their size or strength. The Fusil-Majors on Ogor Warhulks, Ironweld Great Cannons, and Freeguild Fusiliers of the Castelite formation start the battle in the Fortified Position, subtracting a point of Rend from incoming attacks. 

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Enemy forces often fail to find purchase on a well-prepared Fortress City, as the troops rank up and rebuff incoming onslaughts, subtracting 1 from hit rolls. Dawnbringer Crusades still forge into the bleak and nightmarish wilds, their relentless vigour granting them a movement boost in the early battle, while other Battle Formations make great use of the weapons supplied to them by the Ironweld Engineers or the puissant sorcerers of the Collegiate Arcane.

Arcana and Incantations

These same colleges provide the core Spell Lore known by most Cities of Sigmar armies. Their battle mages are well versed in shaping the course of combat, casting spells that sow, or raving an enemy form with arcs of searing lightning.

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Speed of the Twin-Tailed Comet is key to many victories, allowing a unit of Freeguild Cavaliers to race into combat with supernatural speed, and can also stack the odds in your favour for a strategic Counter-Charge.

Unit Focus

The Castelite formation beloved by Cities of Sigmar armies across the realms is the brainchild of former mercenary Tahlia Vedra, Lioness of the Parch. Her fiery Aqshian temperament and incisive wit put her in good stead with the troops in the barracks, where she would prefer to be—though the Grand Conclave has other plans for this charismatic figurehead.

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Her loyalty to her troops sees her Lead from the Front, and this devotion to the common soldier is repaid in kind as once per battle she inspires wounded soldiers to return to the front line and fight on. Years of experience have also made Vedra an Unparalleled Tactician, able to issue Officar's Orders to two units simultaneously.

The mobile watchtowers that loom over the Castelite formation are Fusil-Majors on Ogor Warhulks, an odd pairing of experienced gunner and a city-dwelling ogor who has hopefully learned to think with their head rather than their belly.

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The eagle-eyed Fusil-Majors are crack shots and excel at taking the heads of enemy commanders. When not showing off their marksmanship, they Mark Targets, adding 1 to hit rolls for their allies. Warhulks can also plant their shields to reinforce the Castelite formation, becoming much tougher to shift for those brave or foolish enough to charge a humanoid wielding a mace the size of a buttress.

Freeguild Cavaliers provide the Cities of Sigmar with a fast-moving melee punch to complement their heavy fortifications and trudging gun lines, their knighthood won through an aptitude for war often born of tragedy or vengeance.

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Their Devastating Charge inflicts mortal damage as they smash into the enemy with heavily barded horses, hacking and clubbing with axes, swords, maces and hammers, using their momentum to break formations and send the enemy into disarray.

Holding ground in a Cities of Sigmar army falls to the Freeguild Steelhelms. These weatherbeaten souls are the backbone of every Dawnbringer force and city garrison, the humble men and women who battle with bitter tenacity.

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With unwavering faith in Sigmar they Consecrate the Land as they fight, purging corruption with the aid of their Battle Priest and singing Sigmarite hymns. Units that fight on these consecrated objectives are blessed with a Ward (5+) – at least until the enemy taints the land once more.

The Word from the Studio

John: “The Cities of Sigmar maintain their system of orders, which is now easier to use. Every Hero can use one order each turn, and picking the correct order at the correct time will be key to retaking the Mortal Realms. Movement, shooting, combat, and defence all fall under the umbrella of the Officar's Orders section, giving Cities of Sigmar commanders more flexibility to use their units in very powerful ways.

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“The new system also grants powerful benefits to everyone fighting beneath the banner of the Cities of Sigmar. Aelves, duardin, and humans each benefit in different ways from orders specifically tuned to their style of gameplay. Humans march out in serried ranks to gain control of key battlefield features, aelves attack with lightning speed, and there are few that can hold the line better than duardin. More than ever, the Cities of Sigmar will need to unite to topple the tyrants and monsters they oppose.

“The new system encourages balanced lists that run a selection of heroes who dish out orders across the breadth of the battlefield and the right units to make the best possible use of them. More than ever, the Cities of Sigmar will need to unite to topple the tyrants and monsters they oppose.”

Spearhead Spotlight

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Much to the Grand Conclave's chagrin, the Castelite formation, which bristles with guns, cannot solve every military problem. The more flexible Castelite Company is often used for smaller skirmishes, a mixture of swift cavalry, booming cannon, and ever-reliable Freeguild Steelhelms, all under the command of a Freeguild Cavalier-Marshal.

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The Officar’s Order Battle Trait gives Freeguild commanders unparalleled command over the flow of these skirmishes, provided they can accurately read the situation unfolding in front of them. The abilities on Battle Tactics cards are potent, so being able to use one for free can provide a powerful boon.

From atop their mighty destriers, the Freeguild Cavalier-Marshals of the Castelite Company observe the battlefield, more concerned with overall strategy than running down foes. These Decisive Commanders bellow commands to the Freeguild Steelhelms under their command, returning models to the unit or buffing their control score. 

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Should the enemy overrun the stalwart Steelhelms, you’ll be able to get them back thanks to the REINFORCEMENTS keyword, as your Cavaliers and Ironweld Great Cannon single out the biggest threats.

Next up, we’ve got our sights set firmly on the sky as we make sure everything is ship-shape and Barak-Nar fashion for the arrival of the Kharadron Overlords, mercantile duardin who favour cold logic and reliable weapons over faith and tenacity.