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  • Make Swiss Cheese of the Sigmarite Lickspittles with the New Skaven Jezzails

Make Swiss Cheese of the Sigmarite Lickspittles with the New Skaven Jezzails

Skaven have been lacerating their enemies in salvos of lethal warpstone since the earliest days of Warhammer. These arcane jezzail teams have paired up in an uncharacteristic display of ratty teamwork for decades – one a sniper, the other a willing shoulder, coming together to launch searing hot lumps of toxic shot at their enemies.

And unfortunately for Sigmar, each high-powered blast from these warplock jezzails is just about enough to zap a Stormcast Eternal back to Azyr for another hasty Reforging.

AoS Jezzail May6 Image1

Long-range warfare is a respected art amongst the Skaven; it is, after all, the method of combat least likely to involve personal danger. A Jezzail gunner’s power pack is filled with highly pressurised warpstone gas that solidifies into shards as it is pumped into the weapon’s long barrel. 

Two ratmen are needed to carry a Jezzail; the second Skaven makes themselves useful by clutching a pavise shield that props the gun up and provides a measure of defence against return fire.

Jezzails are pretty nasty in this edition – Wounding on 3+, they get 2 Attacks dealing 2 Damage each with 2 Rend, and their Warpstone Snipers action grants them +1 to Hit if they don’t move. No Stormcast Eternal, no matter how ornate their armour, nor grim their purpose, is safe from these fizzing fusillades.

AoS Jezzails May6 Boxout

The Clans Skryre have been busy in Blight City, and these warplock jezzails are not the only ordnance wheeling out of the workshops. Tune into next week’s The Mortal Realms Reforged event live from the Dallas Open to find out more about the terrifying Skaven war machine.