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Sunday Preview – Darkoath Marauders, Old World Orcs, and More

We’re bracing for a week of Chaos as the Darkoath Army Set is almost at our doorstep, while there’s a three-way scrum in the Old World that brings back yet more classic miniatures – and debuts a few awesome newcomers too. 

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Slaves to Darkness: Darkoath Army Set

SundayPreview Apr14 DarkoathBox

Embrace Chaos and swear binding oaths to the Ruinous Powers with the Darkoath Army Set, launching a new wave of mortal followers of the Dark Gods. These aggressive warriors show no quarter and fight as lightly equipped marauders, trusting in well-honed combat skills and the blessings they beseech to carry them through the day with their honour intact.

SundayPreview Apr14 DarkoathMinis1

The Army Set comes with 20 Darkoath Marauders with a wide assortment of heads and body types, five Darkoath Fellriders, one Chieftain on Warsteed, and one ferocious Wilderfiend twisted by the powers of their malevolent patrons. The box also includes a full set of warscroll cards and tokens, plus Battletome Supplement: Darkoath – an expansion for Battletome: Slaves to Darkness that includes all the lore and pitched battle profiles you need to field this force in battle.*

SundayPreview Apr14 DarkoathOther

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Lady Élisse Duchaard

SundayPreview Apr14 LadyDuchaard

A brand new Forge World resin miniature joins the Kingdom of Bretonnia in the form of Lady Élisse Duchaard, Prophetess of the court of Brionne, who rides majestically into battle atop her unicorn steed Ariandir. Lady Duchaard is a powerful Level 3 Wizard and dishes out plenty of damage on the charge thanks to her mount’s deadly horn, and can sap the Leadership of nearby enemies when they try to use magic items and special rules. 

This expert miniature is an essential addition to Bretonnia collectors, and her rules can be found in the Arcane Journal Kingdom of Bretonnia book available now.

Kingdom of Bretonnia Lord on Royal Pegasus

SundayPreview Apr14 LordOnPegasus

Lead the forces of goodness and chivalry into battle with a Lord on Royal Pegasus, first seen in the Kingdom of Bretonnia Army Box launched alongside Warhammer: The Old World. This standalone plastic release includes all of the options needed to field the character as a Duke or Baron with a pegasus mount, plus head, body, and weapon options to customise your Lord.

Kingdom of Bretonnia Men at Arms

SundayPreview Apr14 BretMenatArms

If you’re looking to expand your Bretonnian army and need some bodies to fill the gaps between your units of shining knights, look no further than the Kingdom’s common soldiery. Men at Arms come in a box of 36 miniatures – deployable in one large group or two units of 18 – with the option for polearms or hand weapons alongside their trusty shields. **

Kingdom of Bretonnia Peasant Bowmen

SundayPreview Apr14 BretBowmen

Peasant Bowmen also come in a set of 36, and include the famous wooden stakes their formations are known for. These improvised defences help defend the vulnerable bowmen from charging cavalry, and are where the unit can also add a burning brazier upgrade to set their deadly arrows ablaze.**

Kingdom of Bretonnia Transfer Sheet

SundayPreview Apr14 BretTransfers

Emblazoning your shields and armour with the shining heraldry of your beloved Duke has never been easier, thanks to a new transfer sheet of Bretonnian livery. The sheet contains a massive 861 transfers from many Bretonnian dukedoms, along with honour markings, special crests for your Lords and Grail Knights, and a selection of all-important fleurs-de-lys in a variety of colours.

Tomb Kings of Khemri Casket of Souls

SundayPreview Apr14 TKCasket

The Tomb Kings of Khemri aren’t about to be outdone, and it’s time to unleash a torrent of deathly magic onto enemy heads with the iconic Casket of Souls. This remastered Forge World resin version of the classic kit has been upgraded with new mummified details inside the casket, so you can leave the lid unglued and expose the remains contained within at any time.

Tomb Kings of Khemri Necrolith Colossus

SundayPreview Apr14 TKGiant

The classic Necrolith Colossus also gets the resin remaster treatment, with new upgrades improving its posability and a previously unreleased third head option added to the mix. The new crested head has been seen in designs since the early days of the Tomb Kings, and will now be available as part of the miniature for the first time.

Orc & Goblin Tribes Orc Shamans

SundayPreview Apr14 OrcShamans

Channel the power of the Waaagh! with a pair of metal Orc Shamans, featuring one toothless gent on foot and another mounted on a plastic Orc Boar. They can join your army as either a Level 3 or a Level 1 Wizard, and are a great way to add some Waaagh! magic to your hooting and hollering stampede.

Orc Mobs and Black Orc Mobs

SundayPreview Apr14 OrcBoyz

SundayPreview Apr14 OrcBlackOrcs

Orc Mobs are the lifeblood of a Waaagh!, and this classic multi-part plastic kit lets you build 40 of them split into two units – one with two hand weapons, and the other with warbows. Then if you’re looking for a more durable unit to anchor your battleline, the returning box of 20 Black Orcs offers up a full unit command and a variety of hand weapons, great weapons, and shields to make your mobs dead ‘ard and killy.**

Orc Boar Boyz and Boar Chariots

SundayPreview Apr14 OrcBoarRiders

SundayPreview Apr14 OrcBoarChariot

Orc cavalry also returns to the open fields of the Old World, headed up by the thunderous charge of the heavy Boar Boyz.** This box of 10 Boyz comes with interchangeable heads and shields, plus options for hand weapons or cavalry spears, and hit the shelves alongside a pair of Orc Boar Chariots with removable boss poles.**

Goblin Shaman 

SundayPreview Apr14 GobShaman

The plastic Goblin Shaman is an essential part of your diminutive green warband, whether as a Level 3 Wizard Oddnob or a Level 1 Wizard Oddgit. 

Goblin Mobs

SundayPreview Apr14 Goblins

Alongside them march (well, shuffle) the goblin rank-and-file. Goblin Mobs come as a set of 40 multi-part plastic miniatures and can be split into two units of 20 – each with a champion, banner bearer, and musician. Each Goblin has options to brandish a thrusting spear and shield, or a shortbow. 

Night Goblin Mob and Goblin Wolf Rider Mob

SundayPreview Apr14 GobNightgoblins

SundayPreview Apr14 GobWolfRiders

Like the regular Goblins, the Night Goblin Mob includes 40 plastic miniatures that can be built with either thrusting spears and shields or shortbows. The Goblin Wolf Rider kit builds 15 multi-part plastic miniatures that can be deployed in a single squad with a full command trio, and has options to equip each rider with either a cavalry spear or a shortbow.

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Warhammer+ dips into its xenos files this week as Loremasters tackles the head-tingling conundrums that are the Weirdboyz – Orks born with an innate grasp of incredible psychic powers, though just as likely to blow up their own heads as the enemy’s. Meanwhile, Citadel Colour Masterclass has been studying the living metal necrodermis of the Necrons, and they’ve come up with a top-level tutorial for painting your own.

SundayPreview Apr14 WH+

Here at Warhammer Community, we’re digging further into the new edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar, with the next model reveal on Monday and some more rules and lore later in the week. It’s also a big Chaos shindig with new looks at the Slaves to Darkness and Chaos Space Marines, so put on your spikiest helmet and join us all week.

And on Monday, you can tune into a special edition of Hang Out and Paint at 6pm GMT, where the gang will be showing us how to tackle a Skaven Clanrat and a Stormcast Eternals Liberator.

* This set has been delayed in Australia and New Zealand.

** These products have been delayed in Japan.

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