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  • Heresy Thursday – Eradicate Titans with New Super-heavy Tanks for Legions Imperialis

Heresy Thursday – Eradicate Titans with New Super-heavy Tanks for Legions Imperialis

With so many Titans and Imperial Knights stomping around in the Age of Darkness, the Solar Auxilia need the support of super-heavy firepower to put the god-engines in their place. Nowhere is this more evident than in Legions Imperialis, where the Adeptus Titanicus roam free and frequent – so it’s high-time to shrink down a titan-killer or two.

LI Stormsword Mar14 Image1

Shadowswords are massive, armour-busting beasts built on the Baneblade chassis, with all unnecessary hull weapons and bulky turrets stripped away to fit a colossal volcano cannon. A squadron of these behemoths can make swiss cheese of the largest Titans, and it’s a foolish Princeps who doesn’t treat them with the respect they deserve. 

In games of Legions Imperialis, the volcano cannon packs the crucial Engine Killer (2) trait,* so one Shadowsword can blow an Imperial Knight to pieces in a single well-placed shot. But if you’re not coming up against quite so many Titans, the sprues in the Shadowsword’s box can instead build two additional variants with world-shaking weapons of their own – the Stormblade and Stormsword.

LI Stormsword Mar14 Image2

The Stormblade swaps Titan-cracking firepower for a more general-purpose plasma blastgun, which has double the rate of fire for only a slight reduction in power. Its excellent AP value makes it a shoe-in for melting tough vehicles and any Space Marine elites who stray inside its 20” range.

By contrast, the Stormsword excels at a single, vital role – blowing enemy cover and fortifications to pieces with a gigantic siege cannon. It carries the rare Demolisher trait that allows weapons to damage Structures, and with so many packed cityscapes for enemy troops to hide in, the option to callously level pesky strongpoints looks attractive indeed.

LI Stormsword Mar14 Image3

The rules for these tanks will be available in an upcoming expansion for Legions Imperialis, so stay tuned to Warhammer Community for more information as it comes in.

* This rule means that shots from this weapon can inflict two extra, unavoidable Wounds to any Vehicle, Super-heavy Vehicle, Knight or Titan models they hit.