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  • The Armies on Parade Awards Showcase the Best Armies Warhammer Has to Offer

The Armies on Parade Awards Showcase the Best Armies Warhammer Has to Offer

AoPAwards Incoming Nov21 Header

After a whole year of building your projects up with Gods of War, Battlefield Behemoths, Wizards and Warmachines, and a beautiful Field of Battle, it’s finally time to see your Armies on Parade in all their glory. 

The online awards ceremony for Armies on Parade kicks off this weekend, on Saturday the 26th of November, with a live awards show on Twitch featuring some of the greatest hobby work done by the Warhammer community this year.

AoPAwards Incoming Nov21 Criteria

For those of you only just joining us, Armies on Parade is our annual showcase of amazing armies on custom scenery boards, created by Warhammer hobbyists around the world. Like last year’s show, a panel of expert judges will be awarding gold, silver, and bronze awards across several categories, judging each entry based on criteria from originality to painting skill.

There are trophies in three major categories – for Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer Age of Sigmar, and the Best of the Rest – while Judges’ Choice medals will be awarded to particularly eye-catching armies. Every winner will receive a Combat Patrol, Vanguard, or Start Collecting! box of their choice – which you might just use in next year’s entry.

Check out these prior winners for a taste of the wonders we’ll be seeing on Saturday.

AoPAwards Incoming Nov21 2021Winner1

The awards show starts at 2pm GMT (9am EST/6am PST) on the Warhammer Twitch channel, so join us in ogling some of the phenomenal work put in by Warhammer fans this year.

AoPAwards Incoming Nov21 Map

We look forward to seeing you there! Already planning next year’s Armies on Parade entry? This Christmas’ special Battleforce boxes are the perfect place to start!

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