The Blood Bowl: Second Season Edition box includes two new teams, and this week we’re taking a look at how they perform on the pitch, starting with the Thunder Valley Greenskins. Watch this video for a quick hit of what makes them special.
Veteran coaches will already be familiar with standard Orc and Goblin teams, but Black Orc teams like the Thunder Valley Greenskins are more focused, making them very straightforward to play. They’re even tougher than a regular Orc team, but they all but forgo the passing game to concentrate on crushing the other team. Let’s break the roster down, shall we?

Black Orcs

These Orcs are bigger, stronger, and far more disciplined than their kin. In fact, the rowdiness of other Orcs is why Black Orcs decided to form their own teams in the first place! While similar to Orc Big Uns (formerly known as Black Orcs on regular Orc teams) in terms of the basic profile, the addition of valuable skills like Brawler and Grab...
… while avoiding the Animosity of Orc players,* make them far more reliable on the pitch. With only three positions on the team, the Black Orcs have a clearly defined job – to smash their opponents. The high base Strength and solid AV makes them fantastic on both offensive and defensive lines.
Goblin Bruisers

The Goblin Bruisers have the same basic characteristics as any other Goblin, but Black Orcs choose only the toughest of the aspirants, subjecting them to lots of ‘pain endurance’ training to boot. This is represented by the crucial addition of the Thick Skull skill.
That makes Goblin Bruisers ever-so-slightly less squishy than a regular Goblin, but don’t expect them to hold the line. Their role is to run as fast as their little legs will carry them, straight through the gaps made by the Black Orcs, and hopefully they’ve remembered to grab the ball first! The addition of a Trained Troll also unlocks the possibility to throw them down the pitch for one-turn touchdowns. It’s not an easy play, but it’s a lot of fun if you manage to make it work!
Trained Trolls

With only three positions on the roster, the Troll is an auto-include. Luckily, the Blood Bowl: Second Season Edition box has one in it! Not only can they toss Goblin Bruisers as we mentioned, but their durability and physical presence will take some of the heat off your Black Orcs. With a strong lineout already, a Big Guy allows you to crack the other team’s weak spot on offence, and shores up your defence to make your opponent work all the harder to bust through.
The Great Green Grind

Black Orcs are at their best when they’re moving slowly down the pitch, using Grab and brute strength to clear a path for the Goblin Bruisers to leg it once they’re within striking distance. In most matchups, you’re tougher and stronger than your opponents, so don’t worry about flashy plays unless you’re already ahead or you find yourself in a position to make a bold move.
Team Special Rules
Did you notice the bottom of the new-style roster? Teams now benefit from regional and general special rules. Some Inducements can only be taken by teams from a certain region, and the Badlands Brawl unlocks a number of suitably violent Greenskin and Ogre exclusives. Black Orcs, like many of their kin, are not above playing dirty – represented by this special rule.
You’ll have to wait and see what sort of Inducements you can choose from, but this will be one of the biggest changes to teams moving forward, giving them all a little something to stand out from other teams and subtly shift their play style.
If you enjoy playing tough, strong teams, the Thunder Valley Greenskins are for you. Once you add in Varag Ghoul-Chewer, who’s also included in the new set, you’ve got a competitive team that can carry you to the top of the leagues! Pre-order your copy from this Saturday and start dreaming up a killer playbook.
* This is new. Orcs are fractious and cranky on the best of days, and sometimes their arguing and infighting can bring a play to a screeching halt. This is represented by the Animosity trait, which affects most of the players on a standard Orc team.