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Perfect your excessive assaults with new Emperor’s Children detachments

The Emperor’s Children will soon be unleashed upon the world, so it’s time to look inside their new Codex and pick out some of our favourite bits. Today it’s the turn of the detachments – there are six in total, and we’ll take a close look at two.

The Army Rule is Thrill Seekers, which plays off their unnatural agility, letting the sons of Fulgrim flit between combats, so long as enticing new morsels present themselves.

This focus on agility and graceful movement sets the Emperor’s Children apart from other Chaos forces, with plenty of ways to flow around the battlefield maximising damage. Each of the six detachments then indulges in one of their chosen aspects of war.

Making brazen boasts and ill-advised wagers is very on-brand as they seek to prove themselves ever better in the eyes of their patron. The absolute worst of these soul-gamblers form a Coterie of the Conceited, staking their own lives on grand moments of slaughter that may or may not attract the attention of the Dark Prince.

Fail to meet your pledge and your warlord will be punished, but powerful effects start to kick in once the tally of Pact Points begins to grow, turning even the most basic of Infractors into a close combat monster.

Characters can soup themselves up even further with Enhancements, such as a Pledge of Eternal Servitude for a second chance at life. That’s even less likely to happen when an allied unit uses the Embrace the Pain Stratagem to redirect an attacker’s ire onto them – though it’s less to protect your leaders and more to hog all the sensations.

The Emperor’s Children wouldn’t be a Chaos faction without some (un)healthy rivalries competing for their god’s favour, and Slaanesh’s Chosen are all about the grind for the Dark Prince’s approval. Internal Rivalries mark your Warlord as the top dog from the start of the game, but all of your other Characters are eagerly waiting to steal their thunder and claim the valuable Wound re-rolls for themselves.

Should these champions be struck down, they’re even more likely to make their demise a Beautiful Death for Slaanesh’s pleasure, lashing out with one last deadly strike. Others may look upon their favour with Heightened Jealousy, fighting ever harder to attract their patron’s gaze before one of their other opportunistic compeers snatches glory away.

Members of a Mercurial Host surrender to their whims and dart around the battlefield, putting their warp-fuelled speed to good use covering ground and dodging attacks. The Advance re-rolls their Detachment rule Quicksilver Grace grants seem deceptively humble, but they make the Emperor’s Children some of the most reliable assault troops in the game.

The Rapid Evisceration Detachment trades legpower for horsepower, bundling its troops into a selection of powerful transport vehicles while empowering those who disembark with the Detachment rule Mechanised Murder. Its Stratagems similarly want you to use a vast motor pool of transports, allowing them to slip into Strategic Reserves, disembark troops right into the melee, and more.

The Emperor’s Children are famed duelists, and the Peerless Bladesmen rule puts them front and centre. Charging units show off their Exquisite Swordsmanship,while Enhancements and Stratagems are laser-focused on close combat, including a particularly tasty option that can let your best Character fight twice in a Fight phase.

Slaaneshi forces that enlist the aid of daemonic forces whip up a Carnival of Excess, bringing screeching Daemonettes and supercilious Keepers of Secrets into the material world to fight alongside mortal warriors. Look out for a future article about how daemonic allies for the Emperor’s Children work.

There’s plenty more to cover from Codex: Emperor’s Children, so pay rapt attention to Warhammer Community for more.