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Middle-earth™ Faction Focus – Fiefdoms of Gondor™

Today, Middle-earth lore keeper Dan Entwisle rallies the armies of the Fiefdoms in a closer look at their Heroes and Warriors and how they fare in the field.

Dan: When Minas Tirith sent word to its allies before the Battle of Pelennor Fields, loyal warriors from all over Gondor’s southern fiefs were the first to answer the call. On the tabletop, the Fiefdoms field a variety of elite warriors, each specialising in a different battlefield role and wielding their preferred weaponry.

The named heroes of the Fiefdoms each have a unique special rule, marked with an asterisk, that bestows a bonus upon the particular warriors they lead into battle – Forlong the Fat, for example, allows his loyal Axemen of Lossarnach to re-roll To Wound rolls of 1. The Army Bonus of the Fiefdoms – For the White City! – ensures that these special rules affect all models from that faction – not just the ones listed. With all these special rules intertwining and affecting the whole army list, the Fiefdoms have amazing synergy – making them a terrifying opponent that works together as one.


Prince ImrahilWe can’t talk about the Fiefdoms without mentioning the gallant Prince Imrahil. The blood of Númenor flows through this Prince of Dol Amroth, who has a Fight value of 6, Strength 4, and three Attacks, capable of cutting his way through the likes of SuladânGothmog, and even the Witch-king! Imrahil’s killing power can be boosted further by giving him an armoured horse and a lance. His mount grants him an Extra Attack and Knock to the Ground against Infantry, which – combined with the lance’s bonus To Wound on the charge – allows him to ride down Mordor lines with deadly efficiency.

Imrahil is also an exceptional commander, thanks to his two special rules. The Lineage of Númenor boosts the range of his Stand Fast! to 12”, helping him to keep your Warrior models in the fight even if your army is Broken. Meanwhile, *Dol Amroth for Gondor! counts Captains, Knights, and Men-at-Arms of Dol Amroth within 12” as being in range of a banner. Remember, that asterisk means the special rule can affect all the models in the army, with the Army Bonus – not just those listed!


The Swan Knights of Dol Amroth are among the most elite warriors in all the lands of Gondor. With a Fight value of 4 and Defence 6, they are very much at home in the thick of the fighting and often make up the core of a Fiefdoms force. Their Pride of Dol Amroth special rule boosts their Fight value to 5 when fighting near Prince Imrahil, giving them a higher Fight value than many Evil Heroes! Like Imrahil, mounting them on armoured horses adds even more hitting power – with that Extra Attack, Knock to the Ground, and the bonus To Wound from their lances, they can smash through the Dark Lord’s battlelines of Infantry.


The Clansmen of Lamedon are courageous warriors from the foothills of the White Mountains who hurl themselves into the fray. With Courage 5, they are ideal for taking on Terror-causing enemies and holding remote Objective markers once your force has Broken. While fighting near their lord, Angbor the Fearless, Clansmen count as being in range of a banner – perfect for those far-flung fights which might not normally be near a friendly banner. They carry broadswords, a unique two-handed sword that doesn’t apply the usual -1 penalty to a Duel roll if the wielder rolls a natural 6, which gives them a slight edge over most other two-handed weapons.

With no fortifications to defend themselves, the denizens of the Blackroot Vale turned to archery to defend against Orc and Corsair raids. Blackroot Vale Archers are among the best bowmen in Gondor, even under the tremendous pressure. Their Dead-eye Shot special rule allows them to re-roll failed To Wound rolls during a Heroic Shoot and – thanks to their 3+ Shoot value – plenty of arrows should find their mark. It’s usually a good idea to have Duinhir lead them into battle, as he allows them to re-roll To Hit rolls of 1 while within 6” – and has two Might Points to declare Heroic Shoots with.



The positioning of your Heroes is key when commanding the Fiefdoms, as you’ll want to ensure that as many models are being affected by their special rules as possible. Keeping these characters central to your battleline is usually a good idea, so as to encompass the highest number of models. It will also keep them in a strong position for any Heroic Moves you might need to declare.


As we learned from Faramir in The Lord of the Rings; The Return of the KingTM, reckless cavalry charges usually end in disaster! It is often best to hold your Knights in reserve, and find an opportunity to smash into the sides or rear after your battlelines clash. Your Knights can then be supported by your Infantry, and don’t need to worry as much about becoming bogged down.

Army Lists

The first of two army lists includes a broad range of Fiefdoms warriors and all of the named Heroes, making it a fantastic starting point for any budding Fiefdoms general.

Army listOur second list puts a spotlight on the Knights and Men-at-arms of Dol Amroth, forming a shieldwall of stoic warriors with some ranged support from the Blackvale Root Archers, backed up by a small contingent of mounted Knights and Prince Imrahil.*

Army list

Thanks, Dan! Tempted to start your own Fiefdoms army? Grab the Lords of the Fiefdoms and Warriors of the Fiefdoms to kick off your new force. Join us on Facebook to tell us how you're going to field a Fiefdoms army, or how you’re planning to stop them on the tabletop.

* This list was inspired by Middle-earth rules writer Jay Clare and the army list he took to the 2022 Middle-earth Grand Tournament hosted at Warhammer World.

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