While many tribes flock to the Everchosen’s banner for power, fortune, and glory, the ogroids threw in their lot with the Chaos Gods after a devastating war with the forces of Destruction – and now they serve on the front lines of Archaon’s coming storm.
Theridons are shock-assault infantry par excellence, corded with thick muscle and standing head and shoulders above lesser, human warriors. Their speed and bulk carries them straight through enemy lines with an unstoppable horn-tipped charge, swinging colossal axes as easily as an aelf would flick a paintbrush.
Once possessed of a mighty empire that stretched across great swathes of Ghur, the ogroids – known to themselves as Goroans – fought alongside Gorkamorka’s hordes, seeking the Destruction of all that threatened their civilisation. Unfortunately, the Bonesplitterz aren’t the most reliable neighbours, and the Goroan empire fell to rampaging greenskins.
What remained of the Goroans were enticed by Archaon with promises of a new home, secure against all invaders – the land that would become the Eightpoints. There, under the shadow of the Varanspire, the ogroids raise dark citadels, forge mighty weapons, and serve as overseers in the armies of Chaos.
This isn’t the first time we’ve seen the ogroids, of course – the pit-fighting Myrmidon has been a regular celebrity in the Warcry arena for some time, while the arcane Thaumaturge practices its deadly magic within Tzeentch’s armies. The Ogroid Theridons join them as a powerful heavy infantry option for the Slaves to Darkness, and the distant rumbling of hoofbeats suggests we’ve only got until winter to prepare.
Find out who’ll be mustering to stop their charge, alongside plenty more news from the Mortal Realms, as you tune into the rest of our coverage from Warhammer Fest Online 2022.
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