Aqshy reels in the aftermath of the Vermindoom, with the Skaven forces continuing to spill out from the Gnaw. The scrap of land between the Gnaw and the Adamantine Chain has become a fierce crucible of war, the treasures of the Ravaged Coast free to be plundered by anyone worthy enough in the first narrative expansion for the new edition of Age of Sigmar.

Path to Glory: Ravaged Coast is a General’s Handbook-style battlepack for Path to Glory, giving those who want to do battle in themed campaigns all the tools they need. It begins with some scene-setting narrative that charts the interwoven journeys of four champions across the Ravaged Coast, before providing a hefty supply of new rules and options.

There are 10 new Paths for your Heroes and 6 for your units – covering Infantry, Priest Wizard, Monster, and Cavalry heroes, plus regular Infantry, Cavalry, Beast, Monster, and War Machine units, giving you a wide range of progression for crafting your unique army.
By walking the Path of the Duellist Infantry Heroes can eventually become melee maestros who deflect incoming critical hits and respond to every failed attack with a punishing counter-attack, perfect for elevating a preening Lord of Hubris to combat demigod. Monster Heroes who clamber up the Path of the Colossus can become intimidating titans who use their deadly bulk to pulverise armour, turning your already formidable Megaboss on Maw-Krusha into a true living wrecking ball.

These Heroes and units will also have to contend with the long-lasting impact of combat, potentially suffering Battle Wounds which can result in debilitating Battle Scars. These injuries negatively affect your units, and can also mount up and result in them being wiped out if you don’t diligently rest up between battles. In full campaigns, your army can even fade into obscurity if all your champions are slain.
Just like the tunnels beneath Embergard, this war-torn slice of Aqshy is rich in clusters of precious and volatile emberstone. Battles in the Ravaged Coast battlepack come with the opportunity to accrue a cache of this realmstone, which can be spent to progress units along their Paths, buy new enhancements for your armoury, recruit warriors, forge almighty weapons, and more – though claiming the stuff always comes with the risk of taking Battle Wounds.

Gain Emberstone Shards
After each Path to Glory: Ravaged Coast battle, tally up the emberstone shards that your warriors recovered from the battlefield as follows:
• If you won the battle, you gain 3 emberstone shards. If you lost the battle, you gain D3 emberstone shards. If the battle was a draw, you gain D3 emberstone shards and can re-roll the dice once.
• If you fought a battle using a Hateful Shores battleplan, you gain D3 additional emberstone shards.
• For each emberstone token your army had at the end of the battle, you gain 1 emberstone shard.
Add all of these emberstone shards to your emberstone vault. There is also space on your roster to keep track of the total number of emberstone shards your army has gained throughout the campaign.
For two emberstone shards, your weaponsmiths can create an emberstone-enhanced ranged or melee weapon. There are a range of results that can be applied to these searing arms, but the inherent instability of emberstone may improve some elements while worsening others. Hit and Wound cannot be worsened below 6+, nor can damage become worse than 1, so you cannot forge a dud. There are also maximum characteristics that cannot be exceeded, because even the greatest smiths have their limits.

There is little reward without risk in the Mortal Realms, however, and these weapons may literally blow up in the face of their wielders after battle. A full campaign in Ravaged Coast gives you the chance to experience these opportunities for progression and attrition.
You’ll fight from the Adamantine Chain to the island of Hel’s Claw in an effort to recover a priceless Embestone trove, unlocking battleplans from a selection of 12 all-new scenarios as you progress from location to location. If your army is successful in its conquests and its ranks swell beyond what you can deploy against your opponent, those extra units and Heroes may have a chance of joining the battle as reinforcements, ensuring you can spread progression chances around.

On top of that there are a wealth of unique rules, abilities (some giving you a chance to snaffle extra Emberstone), and impactful twists in the Ravaged Coast battlepack, alongside unique heroic traits, artefacts of power, a spell lore, a prayer lore, and four bespoke Regiments of Renown that let you recruit powerful Heroes to your army.
It’s a tome that’s packed to bursting with all the rules support you need to run truly epic narrative campaigns, and you can pre-order it on Saturday.