Last week we released eight brand new Regiments of Renown for Warhammer Age of Sigmar. These have much more permissible options for army inclusion than any previous Regiments of Renown, and the Age of Sigmar team are here to talk a little bit more about each one. Today we’re covering Order and Chaos.
Lost-Song Spirits

With the Lost-Song Spirits, we find out what happens when the Sylvaneth lose their connection to the Spirit Song. They roam the lands in search of others of their kind in a pitiful attempt to reconnect, and this Endless Wandering provides out-of-phase movement that can be useful to grab an unguarded objective.

Endless Wandering
Once Per Turn (Army), Enemy Hero Phase
The spirits of the Lost-Song Forest are ever in motion, desperately seeking the ancestral harmonies denied to them.
Declare: Pick a unit in this Regiment of Renown that is not in combat to use this ability.
Effect: That unit can use the ‘Normal Move’ ability as if it were your movement phase.
These outcasts can link up with other remorseless, soul-stricken armies, and the Treelord's Entangling Grasp ability pairs quite nicely with the Idoneth Deepkin, stopping your enemies from retreating away during High Tide. They can be taken by Flesh-eater Courts, Idoneth Deepkin, Nighthaunt, Ossiarch Bonereapers and Soulblight Gravelords.
The Exile Scavengers

The Exile Scavengers are a gang of Kharadron Overlords kicked out of their sky-port for breaching the Code for ‘unsanctioned resource sharing’. Now they lurk behind armies to secure loot for black market deals. These are a useful addition to armies that need some extra support with achieving Battle Tactics as they can Swoop In after studying the battlefield for a time.

An Eye for Loot
Deployment Phase
The Exile Scavengers observe from above to locate the best spot to swoop in and ‘claim their fee’.
Declare: This ability must be used to deploy this Regiment of Renown.
Effect: Set up the units in this Regiment of Renown in reserve studying the battlefield. They have now been deployed.
Keywords: Deploy
Swoop in
Your Movement Phase
Once the moment is right, Gronn and his crew strike hard and fast.
Declare: Pick the Grundstok Gunhauler in this Regiment of Renown to use this ability if it is studying the battlefield.
Effect: Set up the Grundstok Gunhauler on the battlefield more than 6" from all enemy units that have an artefact of power and more than 9" from all other enemy units. Then, set up all other units in this Regiment of Renown wholly within 3" of the Grundstok Gunhauler and more than 6" from all enemy units.
They bring a decent amount of firepower to help shoot out screens, keeping their allies busy with combat as Gronn Ymorsson makes a beeline for whichever artefact he has laid eyes on earlier. These opportunists can be hired by Beasts of Chaos, Bonesplitterz, Cities of Sigmar, Daughters of Khaine, Fyreslayers, Gloomspite Gitz, Ironjawz, Kruleboyz, Lumineth Realm-Lords, Ogor Mawtribes, Ossiarch Bonereapers, Seraphon, Slaves to Darkness, Sons of Behemat, and Soulblight Graveyards.
The Goroan Scions

The Goroan Scions are Ogroids who didn't get the memo about joining the forces of Chaos. Still loyal to Gorkamorka, they offer gifts to the forces of Destruction to guide them into a more civilised way of life. On the tabletop, this is represented by imparting high-quality Goroan Forgecraft to a Destruction Hero once per turn to help them smash stuff up even more.

Goroan Forgecraft
Once Per Turn (Army), Your Hero Phase
The Goroans were renowned for their skill at smithery, and even orruks will acknowledge their general killiness.
Declare: Pick a friendly Destruction Hero that is wholly within the combat range of a Hero in this Regiment of Renown to be the target.
Effect: On a 3+, add 1 to the Rend characteristic of the target’s melee weapons until the start of your next turn.
The Bellow of Gorkamorka spell allows Destruction to take advantage of their powerful melee units without fear, by making it so that enemy units Strike-last and become less accurate. They’re on hand to help the Bonesplitterz, Gloomspite Gitz, Ironjawz, Kruleboyz, Ogor Mawtribes and Sons of Behemat wreak havoc.
Nurgle’s Gift

What better Christmas gift than a bevy of Nurglings here to cause some capital-C Chaos? Nurgle has generously spread his gifts across the Mortal Realms, and after a short Incubation Period, the unfortunate infected are soon Bursting With Life, causing a ripe explosion of new Nurglings.

Incubation Period
Deployment Phase
Nurgle’s gifts can incubate slowly within the afflicted, gaining a malign sentience.
Declare: This ability must be used to deploy this Regiment of Renown.
Effect: Set up the units in this Regiment of Renown in reserve festering within. They have now been deployed.
Keywords: Deploy
Bursting with Life
Guts roil and buboes weep before cheering Nurglings burst forth from the slain.
Effect: If a friendly non‑Nurgle’s Gift unit would be destroyed, before the last model is removed from play, roll a dice. Add 1 to the roll for each other friendly non‑Nurgle’s Gift unit that has been destroyed this battle. On a 5+, pick a friendly unit that is festering within and set it up wholly within 6" of that model. It can be set up in combat.
More than just mischievous and adorable little imps, Nurglings can offer a great counter to powerful enemy cavalry, keeping them pinned in combat for an extra turn while your remaining forces wheel in to cut them down. Grandfather charitably offers his gifts to Beasts of Chaos, Bonesplitterz, Cities of Sigmar, Daughters of Khaine, Fyreslayers, Gloomspite Gitz, Ironjawz, Kharadron Overlords, Kruleboyz, Lumineth Realm-Lords, Ogor Mawtribes, Skaven, Slaves to Darkness, Sons of Behemat and Sylvaneth.
Download all eight Regiments of Renown below. Next week we’ll have commentary on the mercenaries of Death and Destruction.