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The Warhammer Community Crusade – Who’s involved in the office Crusade campaign?

It’s not all work work work here at Warhammer HQ. At any given time there are numerous campaigns, Crusades and Paths to Glory being fought, with battles raging over lunch breaks or in playtest rooms after 5pm. 

Recently, the Warhammer TV presenters launched their own Warhammer 40,000 campaign, with the aim of building new Crusade forces throughout 2025. And after promising them access to the good biscuits in the break room, Warhammer Community was able to get the inside scoop from the front lines for a new series of articles.

In the far future of the 41st Millennium, deep within Imperium Nihilus, the fate of the planet Eudora hangs in the balance. This month, it all kicks off as our generals muster their new forces and paint their first models.

Josh: Aeldari 

Narrative play is fantastic! You gather around the table with your friends and forge stories you’ll be laughing about for years to come. And with the recent release of Crusade: Nachmund Gauntlet, I’ve had it on the brain, so after coaxing my colleagues into collecting new armies we marched to battle over a planet of our own making… 

As the architect of this campaign I have scried into the future and I foresee doom for Eudora, a doom that only my Aeldari can forestall! I chose to theme my force around Craftworld Iyanden, specifically their awesome hosts of wraithbone constructs. 

I’ve always appreciated the Wraithlord kit so one was the first unit across my painting desk. I painted it up in a flash with a classic Iyanden scheme and there will be plenty more on the way to march for Eudora.

Alex: Tyranids

When Josh proposed the Crusade Campaign I knew that I wanted to take a Tyranid force. I had the xenos part of the Leviathan box sat in my pile of potential for far too long, and Eudora would be the perfect opportunity to put these voracious monstrosities onto the table. The Von Ryan’s Leapers really stood out and thus a Vanguard swarm was born! 

The swarm evolved under the gaze of a Lictor, a Neurolictor and Deathleaper itself, while a Screamer Killer, a Winged Prime and a host of Hormagaunts fleshed out the initial list. Now all I needed was to find some biomatter to consume… 

Nick: Ultramarines

My love of the Ultramarines is well known around these parts, and I wanted to take this chance to add to my already huge army by focusing down on one specific aspect, namely the veteran marines of the 1st Company. 

Spurred on by the First Company Taskforce detachment in Codex: Space Marines, I based my Crusade army around First Captain Severus Agemman, accompanied by a whole bunch of veterans. So that’s Terminators, Sternguard Veterans, and even some converted Vanguard Veterans. I’m really looking forward to building up this force and taking the fight to the Xenos!   

Ed: Necrons

After 24 years of hobby there aren’t many armies I haven’t yet painted, and a new Crusade seemed like the perfect time to pick a team I’ve barely touched before: the fearsome Necrons.

I wanted to be very methodical about building the army, with a mindset of balancing a thematic army with a sensible collection of boxes. The Necron Combat Patrol seemed like the perfect start with some Warriors, Skorpekh Destroyers, and a Canoptek Doomstalker forming the core of my army, which will be backed up by a plethora of other Destroyer units.

Simon: Adeptus Custodes

Having had the privilege of contributing to their original rules back in my games dev days, my collection of Adeptus Custodes and Sisters of Silence began way back when the Talons of the Emperor Battlebox was first launched. Yet despite my initial enthusiasm, my collection never really expanded beyond the units found in the box.

With the onset of our campaign, I decided that now was the perfect opportunity to redeem this injustice and revisit my collection with renewed vigour! My starting 1,000-point Crusade force may be light on numbers at a mere 15 models, but each member is a force to be reckoned with and hits like a lance battery up close.

With that our Presenters are off to fight for the doomed world of Eudora! If you fancy following along on their journey they’ll be back before long with more tales of victory and defeat. And if you’d like to start your own Crusade, check out the latest supplement for Warhammer 40,000 – Crusade: Nachmund Gauntlet.

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