The Ork Warlord Big Mek Nuzgott has embraced his Morkish cunning to mount an attack on the Massif Balistus while its defenders are busy fending off an assault by the T’au Empire. A salvo of roks loaded with Ork Wrecka Krews have been launched at Hive Fissilicus, and their target is the maglev station Castella Portis, which will ensure unfettered access to ‘da Moonsplitta’ itself. With defences spread thin, it is up to Major Junati-Varn of the XI Adrigani Cuirassiers to organise a force to fend off a brutal assault – but all she has to work with are inexperienced conscripts and a motley collection of abhuman auxiliaries.

Ratlings, Ogryns and more are recruited from the sprawling settlements that ring Hive Fissilicuss, precarious spaces at risk of being flattened by vented propellant or toppled by the earth-shattering tremors that follow each ear-splitting report of the Great Gun when it fires.
The troops raised from these harsh environments are hardy and resourceful, though Ratlings are not often viewed favourably by the majority of the populace. Over the years, they have retaliated with larceny and insubordination, but patient oversight from their commanding officers, combined with their uncanny fieldcraft and inspiring resilience, has earned them battlefield plaudits.
Expert snipers and trap setters, the Ratlings traverse the densely packed terrain of the Undermuzzle Barrens with fearless surety. And when an Ork with a hammer the size of your torso is bearing down on you, it’s handy being small and agile – so Ratlings are able to Scarper from incoming foes.

Despite their small stature, Ratlings are fleet of foot, using their speed and agility to outpace and evade their foes.
After each enemy operative’s activation, before the next operative is activated, you can perform a free Dash action with one friendly RATLING operative (excluding BULLGRYN, OGRYN and SNEAK), but it cannot finish that move within 3" of an enemy operative unless it’s not visible to every enemy operative when it finishes that move.
Each friendly operative can only do this once per turning point, and cannot do so after the final activation of the turning point. You cannot use this rule after consecutive enemy activations during the same turning point (in other words, after using this rule, you must skip the next opportunity during that turning point before you can use it again).
The concealed snipers known as Sneaks* and the slow-but-sturdy Ogryns (of whom you can take up to three of in a Ratling kill team) aren’t able to make this free Dash, but the rest of the team can use it to escape in a pinch.

Snipers are each armed with a sniper rifle that packs a punch. They are supported by a range of specialists, such as the Big Shot with his devastating tankstopper rifle, and the Ratling Bomber whose tripwires and mines ensnare and explode unwary foes.

These hardy warriors have an impressive constitution and a bottomless appetite, as we explored in the Ratling Digest, and refuelling between shots is a top priority. Their Purloined Rations steady their hands before a crucial shot.

Purloined rations
Ratlings have a well-earned reputation for greed. No field kitchen is safe from their thieving hands. It is not uncommon for a Ratling to settle a rumbling belly with a link of freshly liberated protein reconstitution prior to firing a killing shot.
Once per turning point, whenever a friendly RATLING operative (excluding BATTLEMUTT, BULLGRYN and OGRYN) is activated, you can use this rule. If you do, until the end of that activation, improve the Hit stat of its rifle (if any) by 1.
These kill teams also have their own Strategic and Tactical Ploys focusing on sniping, repositioning, and using Ogryns and Bullgryns to bludgeon foes while Ratlings pump them full of lead from a good safe distance.
You can see for yourself how they play by pre-ordering Kill Team: Brutal and Cunning, which is available for pre-order on Saturday.
* Their suppressed sniper rifles have the Silent keyword, so good luck getting the drop on them