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  • March to victory with General Hans von Löwenhacke and his stupendous helmet

March to victory with General Hans von Löwenhacke and his stupendous helmet

The Empire of Man is mustering its armies to defend from Chaos Warriors invading from the north, hordes of Orcs & Goblins rampaging from the east, and – more often than it would like – itself, as political strife forces the city-states into battle with each other.

Senior figures in the imperial military have found themselves fighting under many different banners over the years, and General Hans von Löwenhacke, in particular, has fought for almost every major power in the nation, bringing his pragmatic strategies to bear from Middenland to Osterlund. 

Born to an officer in the state army of Talabecland, Hans von Löwenhacke was always destined to serve the Empire, and was granted a junior commission once he had demonstrated that he was every bit as capable at commanding troops as veteran officers – and often better.

Hans defeated the Goblins of the Red Eyez tribe by leading his warriors right through the ranks of Goblins to take the head of their Warboss, and sending its followers scattering. Later in his career, when fighting for Middenland, his last-minute decision to create a rearguard for an advancing army blunted a Beastman ambush and gave the other commanders time to react.

Hans is currently seconded to the armies of Nuln as part of an agreement between it and Talabecland in the face of the Reikland’s latest aggressions, adopting the lion of Nuln into his armour and heraldry alongside his custom-forged Griffon Helm, a magical artefact that has protected him from many killing blows over the years.

As a legendary Mercenary Commander, he inspires his troops – even those who only fight under him for the promise of a warm meal, a place to sleep, and a bag of coins – and his Strategic Mastery over the years speaks for itself.

As a General of the Empire, Hans von Löwenhacke can be included in any eligible army list, but he makes the ideal leader for a City-state of Nuln army – which can take up to 25% of its points value as mercenaries to accompany the war machines and ranged units. His rules, and those for Nuln, are contained in the upcoming Arcane Journal: Empire of Man, while the general himself will be available in Forge World resin.