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  • Skaven and Stormcast Clash in a Free Warhammer Age of Sigmar Battle Report

Skaven and Stormcast Clash in a Free Warhammer Age of Sigmar Battle Report

Skaventide is the launch box for the new edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar – and it will be available to pre-order from the 29th of June. That’s right, in just under a month you’ll have the whole box, and all its 70+ gorgeous miniatures, in your hands.

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Today you can watch a special episode of Battle Report that pits the perfidious invading Skaven against Sigmar’s final line of defence, the Stormcast Eternals – including the battle-hardened veterans of the Ruination Chamber! It’s set to be a fantastic clash, as Battle Report presenter Nick tests his wits against Jimbo, one of the team that wrote the rules for the new edition.

This episode is going to be completely free to watch on YouTube. Here’s what Nick had to say about this nail-biting clash:

Nick: The new edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar has been such a blast to learn over the last few weeks – it’s really taken off here in the Warhammer+ offices. As such, I was thrilled to get to play the first game of the new edition on Battle Report against Jimbo, one of the very minds behind the game. And what a game it was, with both of us vying for every Victory Point, and eager to outdo each other with the very fate of Hel’s Claw at stake. 

The board we’re playing on was custom-made by Warhammer+ Army Painters James and Andy, who also painted all the miniatures for the game; they’ve certainly earned their place in the Ruination Chamber! This is one of the best-looking games we’ve ever had on Battle Report, and it went right down to the wire too. Make sure you check it out… and if you like it, well, there are plenty more Warhammer Age of Sigmar games coming soon to Warhammer+. 

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Warhammer Age of Sigmar is also the focus of Loremasters this week, where presenter Alex is laying down a treatise on one of the mightiest denizens of the Mortal Realms, the irrepressible Kragnos, the End of Empires.

AoS WH+Promo Jun19 LMAn incredibly powerful remnant of the centauroid Drogrukh, Kragnos was released from his mountain prison in Ghur when Alarielle performed her Rite of Life. Now, he rampages across the realms, bringing ruin wherever he roams. You can find out more about the Drogrukh, their battle with the Draconith, and the fate of Kragnos in this week’s episode of Loremasters.

You can watch this and plenty more great content right now as part of a Warhammer+ subscription. Subscribe, and you’ll also get access to the Warhammer Vault, a digital collection of White Dwarfs and lore from previous publications. If you subscribe for a year, you will also get the choice of one of two awesome free miniatures. 

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